Feature requests for 0.5

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Thu Dec 8 04:27:10 EST 2011

Hi Anders

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Anders Klint <anders.c.klint at gmail.com> wrote:
> Rather long ago I used an image analysis tool called Image Pro which had a rather large set
> of measurements that could be applied to identified objects. So a possible scenario there could
> be something like:
> * Grab image
> * Segment objects from background
> * Measure objects
> * Filter out only objects with a size between 1.5 and 3.3 mm^2 (or relevant pixel measurement)
>  and a roundness (defined in terms of length of object's periphery vs periphery of a circle with same area)
>  over 0.85
> * ...and further processing on matching objects

This process is very much like the one described in my EuroScipy
tutorial (http://mentat.za.net/euroscipy2011/intro_notes.tar.gz) and
the User Guide tutorial Emmanuelle submitted as a pull request today
(https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/pull/93).  That
details the basic process.

As for the different measures, I think we could benefit from having
some of those grouped together.  Things like getting the area (after
labelling is trivial), but computing circularity etc. can get more
interesting.  Do you know of a good list of such desired measurements?
 Maybe also have a look at the MATLAB docs online to see what they
provide as a point of reference.


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