Progress towards the next release

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Sat Sep 17 01:50:08 EDT 2011

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Tony Yu <tsyu80 at> wrote:
>>> I'm thinking of
>>> adding all of this into the main repo.
> That sounds good to me.

Thanks, I've added the code and updated the logo on the main webpage.
It looks very pretty!

>>>  In fact, we should probably
>>> use this as a tutorial example.
> I could go either way on this. On the one hand, I think there's some
> interesting image-processing-related code here. On the other hand, a lot of
> the code *isn't* related to image processing (e.g. creating a class to draw
> Bezier curves, tracing the scipy logo), which makes it's
> usefullness-to-code-length ratio a bit low. That being said, I'd be happy if
> it was added as a tutorial.

Point taken--I'll leave it as is for now.  Besides, there are a
million-and-one things to do before release!


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