Documentation sprint over the weekend

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Sat Feb 4 00:29:52 EST 2012

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 7:07 AM, Tony Yu <tsyu80 at> wrote:
> I should have a little bit of free time to work on the docs this weekend.
> Any specific goals?

I think we should try and complete the following sections:

- Introduction
   (installation -- link to existing docs, overview and how we fit in
on top of scipy, our goals, what we provide)
- Reading and displaying images
   (io module, display, fancy=True, using matplotlib, etc.)
- Data-types and the pipeline
   (dtype conversion, how to ensure your output is in the right
format, all functions accept any input but returns preferred dtype
output--user should call img_as_*)
- Getting help
   (reference guide, examples gallery, maybe image processing specific
websites similar to )

And some tutorials are always welcome--although I think the gallery
now largely fulfills that role.

Did I miss anything important?

We also need a man-page for skivi (the image viewer).  I've uploaded a template:

> One thing I'd like to see is a package docstring listing all subpackages (+
> 1-sentence descriptions of those subpackages; e.g. type `np?` in ipython);
> and then each subpackage would have it's own docstring listing of functions
> (e.g. type `numpy.linalg?` in ipython). I guess this is separate from the
> user guide, but it's still really valuable for learning the package.

Yes, good point!

> While we're talking about release 0.5, I think we should try to clean out a
> number of pull requests. Some of them should be quick:
> PR 99: Rewrite dtype._convert function

Merged (by me).

> PR 105: ENH: Allow choice between 4 and 8 neighbor mode.

Merged (by Tony).

> PR 95: debian/control updates to reflect name space transition

Rejected (mainly adding the author's name, but very few changes).  I
updated the control file to be up to date in the meantime.

> PR 107: Add rescale_intensity function with test and example.

I'm keen to merge this; we're just waiting for the rest of the list to
comment on the matplotlib 1.0 dependency.


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