0.5 release soon?

Nelle Varoquaux nelle.varoquaux at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 02:55:50 EST 2012

On 10 February 2012 06:07, Tony Yu <tsyu80 at gmail.com> wrote:

> There has been a surprising amount of new features, fixes, and doc
> improvements since 0.4, so I'm wondering if it's time for a new release.
> Are there any major todos before that?
> * Maybe doc additions if they're close.
> * Of the current pull requests, only SSIM and template-matching are close,
> but I don't think I'll have much time to sort out the issues with
> template-matching for awhile.
> * I was really excited about the image stitching example using HoGs,
> suggested by Nelle. If it's not close, though, no pressure.

I'm a bit swamped with work right now, so I'll think we'll have to delay
that if you want to do a release before end of February


> Anything else?
> Cheers!
> -Tony
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