Error when building from git

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Sat Feb 11 17:26:10 EST 2012

2012/2/11 Jérôme Kieffer <google at>:
> PS: We are currently deploying debian6 (squeeze) at work which should
> be the reference until end 2013 (at least!) so putting dependency on a
> too-recent numpy will prevent skimage to be deployed on the beamline.

I guess the point I was trying to make is that nobody expects SciPy 12
to work with NumPy 1.5, since they are released at different times.
If you install scikits-image 0.4, released when NumPy 1.5 was stable,
you'll get 1.5 compatibility.  The problem only comes in when you
require the latest functionality--in which case upgrading the package
+ dependencies seems completely reasonable.

If we focus on getting scikits-image packaged in the different
distros, these problems should more-or-less go away, since people will
do "apt-get install python-skimage" and be happy with whichever
version is provided.


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