Filterbank code

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Wed Jul 18 18:27:36 EDT 2012

Hey Andy

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 2:28 AM, Andreas Mueller
<amueller at> wrote:
> There is no wavelet filter bank in skimage, is there?
> I guess it would be easy enough to do with scipy, though.

No, but I recently saw some activity at:

> By the way, you mentioned you are interested in matting.
> I'm working on the dataset this week :)

Ah, fantastic!  Are you implementing their paper?

> OT: Sorry for not finishing up my segmentation PR.
> It is quite mature but I wanted to compare it to the standard
> implementations. But for that I need Lab color space conversions,
> which I didn't get around doing yet.

I'll add Lab color space conversion to the todo list for Friday's SciPy sprint.


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