Cython fused types

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Fri Oct 12 18:05:32 EDT 2012

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Johannes Schönberger
<hannesschoenberger at> wrote:
> Are those binaries really that huge? I just tested this locally and the
> binaries were larger, but imho not too big. The question is who actually
> cares about a few extra KB disk space taken by a binary?

In SciPy, we were looking at huge files, much longer compilation
times, increased memory use, etc.  Maybe you can compare these factors
and see how it goes?  I don't know if it can be avoided, on principle,
since you basically have to generate separate functions for each type
combination, which makes things explode combinatorially.


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