Numpydoc question

Tony Yu tsyu80 at
Sun Sep 2 11:11:48 EDT 2012

Recently, there's been a spike in the number of warnings during the doc
build. It turns out that most of these errors are related to class
definitions. It just so happens that we've recently had a lot of PRs that
added custom classes (Image repr PR, Transforms PR, and Viewer PR). This
leads me to my question:

Does anyone know the effect of the sphinx config flag:


This flag is on by default, but setting it to False fixes a lot of the
build warnings (and also removes many of the ImportErrors you mentioned on
the viewer PR, Johannes). The strange thing is that turning this flag off
just removes the table of class methods *but not* the normal docs for those
methods. (For example, in the MCP
the `Methods` heading and the 2-row table just below it will disappear, but
the docs below that table remain.)

I'm inclined to just add `numpydoc_show_class_members = False` to
`doc/source/` to reduce the noise during the build. Objections?

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