What RGB color is this? (quick Q)

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Dec 31 06:15:04 EST 2013

Hi Adam

On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 22:37:43 -0800, Adam Hughes wrote:
> I noticed recently that matplotlib.colors limits RGB values to a range (0 - 
> 1), while in scikit image, RGB values can be much larger.  For example:
> *test = np.zeros( (500,500,3) )*
> *test[:,:,0]=50*
> *test[:,:,1]=19*
> *test[:,:,2]=25*
> *imshow(test); *
> Produces a teal background.  I was curious how the color teal is derived 
> from this?  I tried normalizing to 255 and and 50 but neither seemed to 
> produce the same teal color.

Here's a write-up of the data-type and range representation that scikit-image


When visualizing data with Matplotlib, note that data is normalized by
default, so you have to specify "vmin" and "vmax" to correctly display your
generated background.


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