Issues with scaling images for canny edge detection

Tony Yu tsyu80 at
Wed Jun 26 18:48:18 EDT 2013

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 6:08 AM, Robin Wilson <r.t.wilson.bak at
> wrote:


> I think I've managed to solve most of my problems, but I have one
> question: the canny routine seems to work fine for my original image,
> without rescaling it from 0-1. Is there a reason that it should only work
> for images between 0-1, or am I safe to use my original images?

Hi Robin,

It may be OK to use the scaling in the original images for canny, but it's
best to stick to (0, 1). For details, see:

The easiest way to handle rescaling to the correct float range is using

>>> from skimage import exposure
>>> exposure.rescale_intensity(hot)

By default, this takes the minimum and maximum values in the image
(-6548.7, 4123.2) and rescales the image such that those values map to the
data types' min/max values; (0, 1) or (-1, 1) for float images (depends on
whether the input has negative values). Since your image has negative
values, the rescaled result will be (-1, 1).

Usually it's preferable to stick to (0, 1), so you might want to force the
output range:

>>> exposure.rescale_intensity(hot, out_range=(0, 1))

Note that most of your data are the middle ranges. If you plot the image,
it'll just appear gray. To fix that, you may want to clip the input range:

>>> exposure.rescale_intensity(hot, in_range=(-100, 100), out_range=(0, 1))

Now everything at or below -100 in the original gets mapped to 0;
everything at or above 100 gets mapped to 1; and everything in between -100
and 100 is linearly rescaled between 0 and 1.

Hope that helps!
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