Fwd: large PyWavelets update, please test

François Boulogne fboulogne at sciunto.org
Fri Oct 4 04:15:13 EDT 2013

Dear skimagers,

With Ralf, we initiated a "friendly" fork of pywavelet for a future
inclusion in scipy and David joined us in this work. We improved the
doc, removed old-fashioned codes and we are trying now to add tests.
We started this because I was considering this ticket:
Indeed, I believe wavelets may be useful for scikit-image. Instead of
requiring a new dependency, I thought it is much more valuable to
integrate the code in scipy and this is now in the workplan for scipy1.0.

If some of you used pywavelet before, we would be grateful to you if you
can check your code against the fork. It must be fully compatible with


-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	large PyWavelets update, please test
Date : 	Tue, 1 Oct 2013 17:56:36 +0200
De : 	Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>
Pour : 	pywavelets at googlegroups.com
Copie à : 	François Boulogne <fboulogne at sciunto.org>,
david.menendez.hurtado at scilifelab.se

Hi all,

https://github.com/nigma/pywt/pull/7 contains a large refactoring of
PyWavelets, with contributions from Francois Boulogne, David Menendez
Hurtado and myself. Main feature is support for Python 3 (single code
base). Other changes are:

- Numpy style docstrings for all public functions
- A unit test suite with reasonable coverage (see
- PEP8 and Numpy C code standard compliance
- Changes to source tree layout, build setup, Numpy interfaces and C and
Cython templating to more standard styles.

This set of changes is supposed to be fully backwards compatible. They
were quite invasive though (~150 commits), so there's a decent chance
that some things not covered by the test suite were broken in the
process. To catch those now, it would be very helpful if people could
test their own code against either use the PR or the master branch of

While we've kept full backwards compatibility so far, we've also
compiled a list of things that could be improved in the current API:
https://github.com/rgommers/pywt/issues/38. Please add suggestions there
if you have them.


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