Returning an image from the viewer

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at
Mon Oct 28 03:19:03 EDT 2013

Hi all, but especially @tonysyu:

I'm using the viewer for the first time to add some interactivity to my
work. Please forgive the noobish-ness: I've only ever worked on
command-line stuff. (Thanks btw to @tonysyu for his awesome SciPy lightning
talk, which inspired me to even dip my toes in this!)

I'm running an RGB image through a bunch of thresholding and morphological
operations, and I want to fiddle with the parameters before getting back
the filter output. I'm running into the following problems:

1) The file > save as dialog saves a composite image of the overlay and
underlying image, where I just want the overlay.
2) The file > save as dialog actually crashes when the underlying image is
RGB! (PR forthcoming)
3) But most of all, I don't actually want to save the overlay, I just want
to return it to the calling process. How would one go about this? Here's my
code now:

v = viewer.ImageViewer(rgbs[0])
v += CentroPlugin()

which works as expected. I'd like something like:

v = viewer.ImageViewer(rgbs[0])
v += CentroPlugin()
overlay =

Is this possible?


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