Get border pixels of labelled region

Payal Gupta erpayal2010 at
Wed Sep 11 04:19:35 EDT 2013

hello everyone...
i used find_contour function which returns a 2D ndarray . i can't
understand the return array so any body help me.
*program :*

image = io.imread("IMG_2.jpg")

thresh = filter.threshold_otsu(image)

binary = image > thresh

imag= color.colorconv.rgb2grey(binary)

img = array(imag)

edge_canny = canny(img)

edge_sobel = sobel(img)

contours = measure.find_contours(imag,0.9,'high')

print contours

fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2)

ax0.imshow(imag ,

ax0.set_title('Roberts Edge Detection')



ax1.set_title('Sobel Edge Detection')


*returns array:*

[array([[ 135.        ,   72.9       ],
       [ 134.        ,   72.9       ],
       [ 133.        ,   72.9       ],
       [   1.        ,   21.52941176],
       [   0.47058824,   21.        ],
       [   0.        ,   20.9       ]]), array([[   0.        ,
       [   1.        ,  104.35137034],
       [   1.64862966,  105.        ],
       [   2.        ,  105.1       ],
       [   3.        ,  105.35137034],
       [   3.1       ,  105.        ],
       [   3.1       ,  104.        ],
       [   3.1       ,  103.        ],
       [   4.        ,  102.1       ],
       [   4.1       ,  102.        ],
       [   5.        ,  101.1       ],
       [   5.9       ,  102.        ],
       [   6.        ,  102.1       ],
       [   7.        ,  102.1       ],
       [   8.        ,  102.1       ],
       [   8.1       ,  102.        ],
       [   9.        ,  101.1       ],
       [   9.1       ,  101.        ],
       [  10.        ,  100.1       ],
       [  11.        ,  100.1       ],
       [  11.1       ,  100.        ],
       [  12.        ,   99.1       ],
       [  13.        ,   99.1       ],
       [  13.9       ,  100.        ],
       [  13.9       ,  101.        ],
       [  13.89222977,  102.        ],
       [  13.        ,  102.89222977],
       [  12.        ,  102.89222977],
       [  11.10777023,  102.        ],
       [  11.        ,  101.9       ],
       [  10.9       ,  102.        ],
       [  10.9       ,  103.        ],
       [  10.9       ,  104.        ],
       [  10.9       ,  105.        ],
       [  10.        ,  105.9       ],
       [   9.9       ,  106.        ],
       [  10.        ,  106.1       ],
       [  11.        ,  106.1       ],
       [  12.        ,  106.1       ],
       [  13.        ,  106.1       ],
       [  14.        ,  106.1       ],
       [  15.        ,  106.1       ],
       [  16.        ,  106.35137034],
       [  16.64862966,  107.        ],
       [  17.        ,  107.1       ],
       [  18.        ,  107.1       ],
       [  18.1       ,  107.        ],
       [  19.        ,  106.1       ],
       [  19.1       ,  106.        ],
       [  20.        ,  105.1       ],
       [  20.1       ,  105.        ],
       [  20.        ,  104.9       ],
       [  19.        ,  104.9       ],
       [  18.        ,  104.9       ],
       [  17.9       ,  105.        ],
       [  17.        ,  105.9       ],
       [  16.        ,  105.9       ],
       [  15.1       ,  105.        ],
       [  15.        ,  104.9       ],
       [  14.1       ,  104.        ],
       [  14.        ,  103.9       ],
       [  13.1       ,  103.        ],
       [  14.        ,  102.1       ],
       [  14.1       ,  102.        ],
       [  14.1       ,  101.        ],
       [  15.        ,  100.1       ],
       [  15.1       ,  100.        ],
       [  16.        ,   99.1       ],
       [  16.1       ,   99.        ],
       [  17.        ,   98.1       ],
       [  18.        ,   98.10777023],
       [  18.89222977,   99.        ],
       [  18.        ,   99.89222977],
       [  17.9       ,  100.        ],
       [  17.9       ,  101.        ],
       [  18.        ,  101.1       ],
       [  18.9       ,  102.        ],
       [  18.9       ,  103.        ],
       [  19.        ,  103.1       ],
       [  19.1       ,  103.        ],
       [  19.1       ,  102.        ],
       [  19.1       ,  101.        ],
       [  19.1       ,  100.        ],
       [  19.35137034,   99.        ],
       [  20.        ,   98.35137034],
       [  20.64862966,   99.        ],
       [  21.        ,   99.1       ],
       [  22.        ,   99.1       ],
       [  23.        ,   99.1       ],
       [  23.9       ,  100.        ],
       [  24.        ,  100.1       ],
       [  25.        ,  100.1       ],
       [  26.        ,  100.1       ],
       [  27.        ,  100.1       ],
       [  27.9       ,  101.        ],
       [  28.        ,  101.1       ],
       [  29.        ,  101.1       ],
       [  30.        ,  101.1       ],
       [  31.        ,  101.1       ],
       [  32.        ,  101.1       ],
       [  32.9       ,  102.        ],
       [  33.        ,  102.1       ],
       [  34.        ,  102.1       ],
       [  34.9       ,  103.        ],
       [  35.        ,  103.1       ],
       [  36.        ,  103.1       ],
       [  37.        ,  103.1       ],
       [  37.9       ,  104.        ],
       [  38.        ,  104.1       ],
       [  39.        ,  104.1       ],
       [  40.        ,  104.47058824],
       [  40.52941176,  105.        ],
       [  41.        ,  105.1       ],
       [  42.        ,  105.1       ],
       [  43.        ,  105.47058824],
       [  43.52941176,  106.        ],
       [  44.        ,  106.1       ],
       [  45.        ,  106.1       ],
       [  45.9       ,  107.        ],
       [  46.        ,  107.1       ],
       [  47.        ,  107.1       ],
       [  48.        ,  107.1       ],
       [  48.9       ,  108.        ],
       [  49.        ,  108.1       ],
       [  50.        ,  108.1       ],
       [  51.        ,  108.1       ],
       [  52.        ,  108.1       ],
       [  53.        ,  108.35137034],
       [  53.64862966,  109.        ],
       [  54.        ,  109.1       ],
       [  55.        ,  109.1       ],
       [  56.        ,  109.1       ],
       [  56.9       ,  110.        ],
       [  57.        ,  110.1       ],
       [  58.        ,  110.1       ],
       [  59.        ,  110.1       ],
       [  60.        ,  110.1       ],
       [  60.9       ,  111.        ],
       [  61.        ,  111.1       ],
       [  62.        ,  111.1       ],
       [  63.        ,  111.1       ],
       [  64.        ,  111.1       ],
       [  64.9       ,  112.        ],
       [  65.        ,  112.1       ],
       [  66.        ,  112.1       ],
       [  67.        ,  112.1       ],
       [  68.        ,  112.1       ],
       [  68.9       ,  113.        ],
       [  69.        ,  113.1       ],
       [  70.        ,  113.1       ],
       [  70.9       ,  114.        ],
       [  70.        ,  114.9       ],
       [  69.9       ,  115.        ],
       [  70.        ,  115.1       ],
       [  70.9699321 ,  116.        ],
       [  71.        ,  116.0300679 ],
       [  72.        ,  116.1       ],
       [  73.        ,  116.1       ],
       [  74.        ,  116.35137034],
       [  74.64862966,  117.        ],
       [  75.        ,  117.1       ],
       [  76.        ,  117.1       ],
       [  77.        ,  117.1       ],
       [  78.        ,  117.1       ],
       [  78.9699321 ,  118.        ],
       [  79.        ,  118.0300679 ],
       [  80.        ,  118.1       ],
       [  81.        ,  118.1       ],
       [  82.        ,  118.1       ],
       [  83.        ,  118.1       ],
       [  83.9699321 ,  119.        ],
       [  84.        ,  119.0300679 ],
       [  85.        ,  119.1       ],
       [  86.        ,  119.1       ],
       [  87.        ,  119.1       ],
       [  88.        ,  119.1       ],
       [  89.        ,  119.1       ],
       [  90.        ,  119.1       ],
       [  91.        ,  119.1       ],
       [  92.        ,  119.1       ],
       [  92.9699321 ,  120.        ],
       [  93.        ,  120.0300679 ],
       [  93.13129412,  120.        ],
       [  94.        ,  119.35137034],
       [  95.        ,  119.1       ],
       [  96.        ,  119.35137034],
       [  97.        ,  119.35137034],
       [  98.        ,  119.35137034],
       [  99.        ,  119.1       ],
       [ 100.        ,  119.1       ],
       [ 101.        ,  119.1       ],
       [ 102.        ,  119.1       ],
       [ 103.        ,  119.0300679 ],
       [ 103.13129412,  119.        ],
       [ 103.        ,  118.9699321 ],
       [ 102.        ,  118.9       ],
       [ 101.        ,  118.9       ],
       [ 100.        ,  118.9       ],
       [  99.        ,  118.9       ],
       [  98.        ,  118.9       ],
       [  97.        ,  118.9       ],
       [  96.        ,  118.9       ],
       [  95.        ,  118.64862966],
       [  94.        ,  118.64862966],
       [  93.        ,  118.9       ],
       [  92.1       ,  118.        ],
       [  93.        ,  117.1       ],
       [  94.        ,  117.35137034],
       [  95.        ,  117.35137034],
       [  96.        ,  117.1       ],
       [  97.        ,  117.1       ],
       [  98.        ,  117.1       ],
       [  99.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 100.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 101.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 102.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 103.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 104.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 105.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 106.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 107.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 108.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 109.        ,  117.1       ],
       [ 109.1       ,  117.        ],
       [ 110.        ,  116.1       ],
       [ 110.1       ,  116.        ],
       [ 110.        ,  115.9       ],
       [ 109.        ,  115.9       ],
       [ 108.        ,  115.9       ],
       [ 107.1       ,  115.        ],
       [ 107.        ,  114.9       ],
       [ 106.        ,  114.9       ],
       [ 105.9       ,  115.        ],
       [ 105.        ,  115.9       ],
       [ 104.        ,  115.9       ],
       [ 103.        ,  115.9       ],
       [ 102.1       ,  115.        ],
       [ 102.        ,  114.9       ],
       [ 101.1       ,  114.        ],
       [ 101.1       ,  113.        ],
       [ 101.        ,  112.89222977],
       [ 100.10777023,  112.        ],
       [ 101.        ,  111.10777023],
       [ 101.1       ,  111.        ],
       [ 101.47058824,  110.        ],
       [ 102.        ,  109.47058824],
       [ 102.1       ,  109.        ],
       [ 103.        ,  108.1       ],
       [ 103.1       ,  108.        ],
       [ 104.        ,  107.1       ],
       [ 105.        ,  107.1       ],
       [ 105.1       ,  107.        ],
       [ 106.        ,  106.1       ],
       [ 107.        ,  106.1       ],
       [ 108.        ,  106.1       ],
       [ 109.        ,  106.1       ],
       [ 110.        ,  106.1       ],
       [ 110.1       ,  106.        ],
       [ 111.        ,  105.1       ],
       [ 112.        ,  105.10777023],
       [ 112.89222977,  106.        ],
       [ 112.9       ,  107.        ],
       [ 112.9       ,  108.        ],
       [ 113.        ,  108.47058824],
       [ 113.47058824,  108.        ],
       [ 113.47058824,  107.        ],
       [ 113.10777023,  106.        ],
       [ 113.10777023,  105.        ],
       [ 113.47058824,  104.        ],
       [ 113.47058824,  103.        ],
       [ 113.47058824,  102.        ],
       [ 114.        ,  101.47058824],
       [ 115.        ,  101.47058824],
       [ 115.52941176,  102.        ],
       [ 115.52941176,  103.        ],
       [ 116.        ,  103.47058824],
       [ 116.52941176,  104.        ],
       [ 116.        ,  104.52941176],
       [ 115.52941176,  105.        ],
       [ 115.52941176,  106.        ],
       [ 116.        ,  106.47058824],
       [ 116.52941176,  107.        ],
       [ 117.        ,  107.47058824],
       [ 117.52941176,  108.        ],
       [ 117.52941176,  109.        ],
       [ 117.52941176,  110.        ],
       [ 117.        ,  110.52941176],
       [ 116.52941176,  111.        ],
       [ 117.        ,  111.47058824],
       [ 118.        ,  111.47058824],
       [ 118.52941176,  112.        ],
       [ 118.        ,  112.52941176],
       [ 117.52941176,  113.        ],
       [ 118.        ,  113.47058824],
       [ 119.        ,  113.47058824],
       [ 119.52941176,  114.        ],
       [ 119.52941176,  115.        ],
       [ 119.        ,  115.52941176],
       [ 118.52941176,  116.        ],
       [ 119.        ,  116.47058824],
       [ 119.52941176,  117.        ],
       [ 119.52941176,  118.        ],
       [ 119.        ,  118.52941176],
       [ 118.47058824,  118.        ],
       [ 118.        ,  117.52941176],
       [ 117.52941176,  118.        ],
       [ 118.        ,  118.47058824],
       [ 118.52941176,  119.        ],
       [ 119.        ,  119.47058824],
       [ 119.52941176,  120.        ],
       [ 119.52941176,  121.        ],
       [ 119.52941176,  122.        ],
       [ 120.        ,  122.47058824],
       [ 120.52941176,  123.        ],
       [ 120.52941176,  124.        ],
       [ 120.52941176,  125.        ],
       [ 120.52941176,  126.        ],
       [ 120.52941176,  127.        ],
       [ 120.        ,  127.52941176],
       [ 119.        ,  127.52941176],
       [ 118.        ,  127.52941176],
       [ 117.52941176,  128.        ],
       [ 118.        ,  128.47058824],
       [ 118.52941176,  129.        ]]), array([[  3. ,  27.9],
       [  2.1,  27. ],
       [  3. ,  26.1],
       [  3.9,  27. ],
       [  3. ,  27.9]]), array([[ 13.        ,  34.52941176],
       [ 12.        ,  34.9       ],
       [ 11.        ,  34.9       ],
       [ 10.        ,  34.9       ],
       [  9.        ,  34.9       ],
       [  8.        ,  34.9       ],
       [  7.        ,  34.9       ],
       [  6.        ,  34.9       ],
       [  5.        ,  34.9       ],
       [  4.1       ,  34.        ],
       [  5.        ,  33.1       ],
       [  6.        ,  33.1       ],
       [  7.        ,  33.1       ],
       [  8.        ,  33.1       ],
       [  9.        ,  33.1       ],
       [ 10.        ,  33.1       ],
       [ 11.        ,  33.1       ],
       [ 12.        ,  33.1       ],
       [ 13.        ,  33.47058824],
       [ 13.52941176,  34.        ],
       [ 13.        ,  34.52941176]]), array([[  7. ,  89.9],
       [  6.1,  89. ],
       [  7. ,  88.1],
       [  7.9,  89. ],
       [  7. ,  89.9]]), array([[   9.1       ,  104.        ],
       [   9.        ,  103.9       ],
       [   8.        ,  103.9       ],
       [   7.9       ,  104.        ],
       [   7.        ,  104.9       ],
       [   6.9       ,  105.        ],
       [   7.        ,  105.1       ],
       [   8.        ,  105.1       ],
       [   8.47058824,  105.        ],
       [   9.        ,  104.47058824],
       [   9.1       ,  104.        ]]), array([[  8. ,  90.9],
       [  7.1,  90. ],
       [  8. ,  89.1],
       [  8.9,  90. ],
       [  8. ,  90.9]]), array([[ 10. ,  91.9],
       [  9. ,  91.9],
       [  8.1,  91. ],
       [  9. ,  90.1],
       [ 10. ,  90.1],
       [ 10.9,  91. ],
       [ 10. ,  91.9]]), array([[  10.35137034,  108.        ],
       [  10.        ,  107.9       ],
       [   9.9       ,  108.        ],
       [  10.        ,  108.1       ],
       [  10.35137034,  108.        ]]), array([[ 12. ,  92.9],
       [ 11. ,  92.9],
       [ 10.1,  92. ],
       [ 11. ,  91.1],
       [ 12. ,  91.1],
       [ 12.9,  92. ],
       [ 12. ,  92.9]]), array([[ 15.        ,  97.64862966],
       [ 14.9       ,  98.        ],
       [ 14.        ,  98.9       ],
       [ 13.        ,  98.9       ],
       [ 12.        ,  98.9       ],
       [ 11.1       ,  98.        ],
       [ 12.        ,  97.1       ],
       [ 13.        ,  97.1       ],
       [ 13.1       ,  97.        ],
       [ 14.        ,  96.1       ],
       [ 15.        ,  96.35137034],
       [ 15.64862966,  97.        ],
       [ 15.        ,  97.64862966]]), array([[  17.1       ,  109.
       [  17.        ,  108.9       ],
       [  16.        ,  108.64862966],
       [  15.35137034,  108.        ],
       [  15.        ,  107.9       ],
       [  14.        ,  107.9       ],
       [  13.        ,  107.9       ],
       [  12.        ,  107.9       ],
       [  11.64862966,  108.        ],
       [  12.        ,  108.1       ],
       [  12.9699321 ,  109.        ],
       [  13.        ,  109.0300679 ],
       [  14.        ,  109.1       ],
       [  15.        ,  109.1       ],
       [  16.        ,  109.1       ],
       [  17.        ,  109.1       ],
       [  17.1       ,  109.        ]]), array([[ 14. ,  93.9],
       [ 13. ,  93.9],
       [ 12.1,  93. ],
       [ 13. ,  92.1],
       [ 14. ,  92.1],
       [ 14.9,  93. ],
       [ 14. ,  93.9]]), array([[ 16. ,  94.9],
       [ 15. ,  94.9],
       [ 14.1,  94. ],
       [ 15. ,  93.1],
       [ 16. ,  93.1],
       [ 16.9,  94. ],
       [ 16. ,  94.9]]), array([[ 19.        ,  35.52941176],
       [ 18.        ,  35.52941176],
       [ 17.        ,  35.52941176],
       [ 16.        ,  35.9       ],
       [ 15.1       ,  35.        ],
       [ 16.        ,  34.1       ],
       [ 17.        ,  34.47058824],
       [ 18.        ,  34.47058824],
       [ 19.        ,  34.47058824],
       [ 19.52941176,  35.        ],
       [ 19.        ,  35.52941176]]), array([[ 18. ,  95.9],
       [ 17. ,  95.9],
       [ 16.1,  95. ],
       [ 17. ,  94.1],
       [ 18. ,  94.1],
       [ 18.9,  95. ],
       [ 18. ,  95.9]]), array([[ 21.        ,  96.64862966],
       [ 20.        ,  96.9       ],
       [ 19.        ,  96.9       ],
       [ 18.1       ,  96.        ],
       [ 19.        ,  95.1       ],
       [ 20.        ,  95.1       ],
       [ 21.        ,  95.35137034],
       [ 21.64862966,  96.        ],
       [ 21.        ,  96.64862966]]), array([[ 23. ,  97.9],
       [ 22. ,  97.9],
       [ 21.1,  97. ],
       [ 22. ,  96.1],
       [ 23. ,  96.1],
       [ 23.9,  97. ],
       [ 23. ,  97.9]]), array([[  25.0300679 ,  103.        ],
       [  25.1       ,  102.        ],
       [  25.        ,  101.9       ],
       [  24.9       ,  102.        ],
       [  24.        ,  102.9       ],
       [  23.9       ,  103.        ],
       [  23.64862966,  104.        ],
       [  23.        ,  104.64862966],
       [  22.9       ,  105.        ],
       [  22.        ,  105.9699321 ],
       [  21.9699321 ,  106.        ],
       [  22.        ,  106.0300679 ],
       [  22.0300679 ,  106.        ],
       [  23.        ,  105.1       ],
       [  23.35137034,  105.        ],
       [  24.        ,  104.35137034],
       [  24.1       ,  104.        ],
       [  25.        ,  103.0300679 ],
       [  25.0300679 ,  103.        ]]), array([[ 26. ,  98.9],
       [ 25. ,  98.9],
       [ 24.1,  98. ],
       [ 25. ,  97.1],
       [ 26. ,  97.1],
       [ 26.9,  98. ],
       [ 26. ,  98.9]]), array([[  27.0300679,  103.       ],
       [  27.       ,  102.9699321],
       [  26.9699321,  103.       ],
       [  27.       ,  103.0300679],
       [  27.0300679,  103.       ]]), array([[ 30.        ,  99.52941176],
       [ 29.        ,  99.9       ],
       [ 28.        ,  99.9       ],
       [ 27.1       ,  99.        ],
       [ 28.        ,  98.1       ],
       [ 29.        ,  98.1       ],
       [ 30.        ,  98.47058824],
       [ 30.52941176,  99.        ],
       [ 30.        ,  99.52941176]]), array([[ 31.        ,  69.9       ],
       [ 30.        ,  69.9       ],
       [ 29.        ,  69.52941176],
       [ 28.47058824,  69.        ],
       [ 29.        ,  68.47058824],
       [ 29.1       ,  68.        ],
       [ 30.        ,  67.1       ],
       [ 31.        ,  67.1       ],
       [ 31.9       ,  68.        ],
       [ 31.9       ,  69.        ],
       [ 31.        ,  69.9       ]]), array([[  76.        ,   94.9
       [  75.9       ,   95.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   96.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   97.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   98.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   99.        ],
       [  75.9       ,  100.        ],
       [  75.9       ,  101.        ],
       [  75.9       ,  102.        ],
       [  75.        ,  102.9       ],
       [  74.9       ,  103.        ],
       [  74.9       ,  104.        ],
       [  74.9       ,  105.        ],
       [  74.9       ,  106.        ],
       [  74.        ,  106.9       ],
       [  73.9       ,  107.        ],
       [  73.9       ,  108.        ],
       [  73.9       ,  109.        ],
       [  73.        ,  109.9       ],
       [  72.9       ,  110.        ],
       [  72.9       ,  111.        ],
       [  72.        ,  111.9       ],
       [  71.        ,  111.9       ],
       [  70.        ,  111.9       ],
       [  69.        ,  111.9       ],
       [  68.        ,  111.89222977],
       [  67.10777023,  111.        ],
       [  67.        ,  110.9       ],
       [  66.        ,  110.9       ],
       [  65.        ,  110.9       ],
       [  64.1       ,  110.        ],
       [  64.        ,  109.9       ],
       [  63.        ,  109.9       ],
       [  62.        ,  109.9       ],
       [  61.        ,  109.9       ],
       [  60.1       ,  109.        ],
       [  60.        ,  108.9       ],
       [  59.        ,  108.9       ],
       [  58.        ,  108.9       ],
       [  57.        ,  108.9       ],
       [  56.1       ,  108.        ],
       [  56.        ,  107.9       ],
       [  55.        ,  107.9       ],
       [  54.        ,  107.9       ],
       [  53.        ,  107.9       ],
       [  52.1       ,  107.        ],
       [  52.        ,  106.9       ],
       [  51.        ,  106.9       ],
       [  50.        ,  106.9       ],
       [  49.1       ,  106.        ],
       [  49.        ,  105.9       ],
       [  48.        ,  105.9       ],
       [  47.        ,  105.9       ],
       [  46.        ,  105.52941176],
       [  45.47058824,  105.        ],
       [  45.        ,  104.9       ],
       [  44.        ,  104.9       ],
       [  43.        ,  104.9       ],
       [  42.1       ,  104.        ],
       [  42.        ,  103.9       ],
       [  41.        ,  103.9       ],
       [  40.        ,  103.9       ],
       [  39.1       ,  103.        ],
       [  39.        ,  102.9       ],
       [  38.        ,  102.9       ],
       [  37.        ,  102.89222977],
       [  36.10777023,  102.        ],
       [  36.        ,  101.9       ],
       [  35.        ,  101.9       ],
       [  34.1       ,  101.        ],
       [  34.        ,  100.9       ],
       [  33.        ,  100.52941176],
       [  32.        ,  100.9       ],
       [  31.1       ,  100.        ],
       [  32.        ,   99.1       ],
       [  33.        ,   99.47058824],
       [  34.        ,   99.1       ],
       [  34.1       ,   99.        ],
       [  34.1       ,   98.        ],
       [  35.        ,   97.1       ],
       [  35.1       ,   97.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   96.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   95.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   94.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   93.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   92.        ],
       [  35.47058824,   91.        ],
       [  36.        ,   90.47058824],
       [  36.1       ,   90.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   89.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   88.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   87.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   86.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   85.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   84.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   83.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   82.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   81.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   80.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   79.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   78.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   77.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   76.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   75.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   74.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   73.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   72.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   71.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   70.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   69.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   68.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   67.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   66.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   65.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   64.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   63.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   62.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   61.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   60.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   59.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   58.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   57.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   56.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   55.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   54.        ],
       [  36.1       ,   53.        ],
       [  36.        ,   52.52941176],
       [  35.47058824,   52.        ],
       [  35.47058824,   51.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   50.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   49.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   48.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   47.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   46.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   45.        ],
       [  35.1       ,   44.        ],
       [  35.        ,   43.9       ],
       [  34.1       ,   43.        ],
       [  34.1       ,   42.        ],
       [  34.1       ,   41.        ],
       [  34.1       ,   40.        ],
       [  34.1       ,   39.        ],
       [  34.        ,   38.9       ],
       [  33.1       ,   38.        ],
       [  33.1       ,   37.        ],
       [  33.        ,   36.9       ],
       [  32.        ,   36.9       ],
       [  31.        ,   36.89222977],
       [  30.        ,   36.52941176],
       [  29.47058824,   36.        ],
       [  30.        ,   35.47058824],
       [  31.        ,   35.10777023],
       [  32.        ,   35.1       ],
       [  33.        ,   35.1       ],
       [  34.        ,   35.1       ],
       [  35.        ,   35.1       ],
       [  35.1       ,   35.        ],
       [  36.        ,   34.1       ],
       [  37.        ,   34.1       ],
       [  38.        ,   34.1       ],
       [  39.        ,   34.1       ],
       [  39.1       ,   34.        ],
       [  40.        ,   33.1       ],
       [  41.        ,   33.1       ],
       [  42.        ,   33.1       ],
       [  43.        ,   33.1       ],
       [  44.        ,   33.1       ],
       [  44.47058824,   33.        ],
       [  45.        ,   32.47058824],
       [  46.        ,   32.1       ],
       [  47.        ,   32.1       ],
       [  48.        ,   32.1       ],
       [  49.        ,   32.1       ],
       [  50.        ,   32.1       ],
       [  50.1       ,   32.        ],
       [  51.        ,   31.1       ],
       [  52.        ,   31.1       ],
       [  53.        ,   31.1       ],
       [  54.        ,   31.1       ],
       [  55.        ,   31.1       ],
       [  55.1       ,   31.        ],
       [  56.        ,   30.1       ],
       [  57.        ,   30.1       ],
       [  58.        ,   30.1       ],
       [  59.        ,   30.1       ],
       [  60.        ,   30.1       ],
       [  61.        ,   30.1       ],
       [  62.        ,   30.1       ],
       [  62.1       ,   30.        ],
       [  63.        ,   29.1       ],
       [  64.        ,   29.1       ],
       [  65.        ,   29.1       ],
       [  66.        ,   29.1       ],
       [  67.        ,   29.1       ],
       [  67.47058824,   29.        ],
       [  68.        ,   28.47058824],
       [  69.        ,   28.1       ],
       [  70.        ,   28.1       ],
       [  70.9       ,   29.        ],
       [  70.9       ,   30.        ],
       [  71.        ,   30.1       ],
       [  71.9       ,   31.        ],
       [  71.9       ,   32.        ],
       [  72.        ,   32.1       ],
       [  72.9       ,   33.        ],
       [  72.9       ,   34.        ],
       [  73.        ,   34.47058824],
       [  73.52941176,   35.        ],
       [  73.9       ,   36.        ],
       [  73.9       ,   37.        ],
       [  73.9       ,   38.        ],
       [  74.        ,   38.1       ],
       [  74.9       ,   39.        ],
       [  74.9       ,   40.        ],
       [  74.9       ,   41.        ],
       [  74.9       ,   42.        ],
       [  74.9       ,   43.        ],
       [  74.9       ,   44.        ],
       [  75.        ,   44.47058824],
       [  75.52941176,   45.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   46.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   47.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   48.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   49.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   50.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   51.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   52.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   53.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   54.        ],
       [  75.9       ,   55.        ],
       [  76.        ,   55.47058824],
       [  76.52941176,   56.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   57.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   58.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   59.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   60.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   61.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   62.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   63.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   64.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   65.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   66.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   67.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   68.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   69.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   70.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   71.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   72.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   73.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   74.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   75.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   76.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   77.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   78.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   79.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   80.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   81.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   82.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   83.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   84.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   85.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   86.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   87.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   88.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   89.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   90.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   91.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   92.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   93.        ],
       [  76.9       ,   94.        ],
       [  76.        ,   94.9       ]]), array([[ 40.47058824,  61.
       [ 40.        ,  60.52941176],
       [ 39.47058824,  60.        ],
       [ 39.        ,  59.52941176],
       [ 38.9       ,  60.        ],
       [ 39.        ,  60.47058824],
       [ 39.52941176,  61.        ],
       [ 40.        ,  61.1       ],
       [ 40.47058824,  61.        ]]), array([[ 48.0300679 ,  13.        ],
       [ 48.        ,  12.9699321 ],
       [ 47.        ,  12.9699321 ],
       [ 46.        ,  12.9       ],
       [ 45.        ,  12.9       ],
       [ 44.1       ,  12.        ],
       [ 44.        ,  11.9       ],
       [ 43.        ,  11.9       ],
       [ 42.        ,  11.9       ],
       [ 41.9       ,  12.        ],
       [ 41.        ,  12.9       ],
       [ 40.        ,  12.9       ],
       [ 39.64862966,  13.        ],
       [ 40.        ,  13.1       ],
       [ 41.        ,  13.1       ],
       [ 42.        ,  13.1       ],
       [ 43.        ,  13.1       ],
       [ 44.        ,  13.0300679 ],
       [ 45.        ,  13.1       ],
       [ 46.        ,  13.1       ],
       [ 47.        ,  13.0300679 ],
       [ 48.        ,  13.0300679 ],
       [ 48.0300679 ,  13.        ]]), array([[ 41.1,  22. ],
       [ 41. ,  21.9],
       [ 40. ,  21.9],
       [ 39.9,  22. ],
       [ 40. ,  22.1],
       [ 41. ,  22.1],
       [ 41.1,  22. ]]), array([[ 42.1       ,  79.        ],
       [ 42.1       ,  78.        ],
       [ 42.1       ,  77.        ],
       [ 42.        ,  76.9       ],
       [ 41.1       ,  76.        ],
       [ 41.        ,  75.9       ],
       [ 40.        ,  75.9       ],
       [ 39.9       ,  76.        ],
       [ 39.9       ,  77.        ],
       [ 39.89222977,  78.        ],
       [ 40.        ,  78.47058824],
       [ 41.        ,  78.47058824],
       [ 41.52941176,  79.        ],
       [ 42.        ,  79.1       ],
       [ 42.1       ,  79.        ]]), array([[  49.13129412,  110.
       [  49.        ,  109.9699321 ],
       [  48.9699321 ,  110.        ],
       [  49.        ,  110.0300679 ],
       [  49.13129412,  110.        ]]), array([[ 50.1,  13. ],
       [ 50. ,  12.9],
       [ 49.9,  13. ],
       [ 50. ,  13.1],
       [ 50.1,  13. ]]), array([[  58.0300679 ,  112.        ],
       [  58.        ,  111.9699321 ],
       [  57.86870588,  112.        ],
       [  58.        ,  112.0300679 ],
       [  58.0300679 ,  112.        ]]), array([[  60.1,  113. ],
       [  60. ,  112.9],
       [  59.9,  113. ],
       [  60. ,  113.1],
       [  60.1,  113. ]]), array([[ 64.1,  19. ],
       [ 64. ,  18.9],
       [ 63.9,  19. ],
       [ 64. ,  19.1],
       [ 64.1,  19. ]]), array([[ 70.1       ,  52.        ],
       [ 70.        ,  51.52941176],
       [ 69.52941176,  52.        ],
       [ 70.        ,  52.47058824],
       [ 70.1       ,  52.        ]]), array([[ 72.35137034,  15.        ],
       [ 72.        ,  14.9       ],
       [ 71.        ,  14.9       ],
       [ 70.9       ,  15.        ],
       [ 71.        ,  15.1       ],
       [ 72.        ,  15.1       ],
       [ 72.35137034,  15.        ]]), array([[ 75.47058824,  15.        ],
       [ 75.        ,  14.9       ],
       [ 74.64862966,  15.        ],
       [ 75.        ,  15.1       ],
       [ 75.47058824,  15.        ]]), array([[ 79.0300679,  16.       ],
       [ 79.       ,  15.9699321],
       [ 78.9699321,  16.       ],
       [ 79.       ,  16.0300679],
       [ 79.0300679,  16.       ]]), array([[ 81.        ,  57.89222977],
       [ 80.10777023,  57.        ],
       [ 81.        ,  56.10777023],
       [ 81.89222977,  57.        ],
       [ 81.        ,  57.89222977]]), array([[ 99.10777023,  21.        ],
       [ 99.        ,  20.9       ],
       [ 98.        ,  20.9       ],
       [ 97.        ,  20.52941176],
       [ 96.47058824,  20.        ],
       [ 96.        ,  19.9       ],
       [ 95.        ,  19.9       ],
       [ 94.        ,  19.9       ],
       [ 93.        ,  19.9       ],
       [ 92.        ,  19.9       ],
       [ 91.        ,  19.9       ],
       [ 90.        ,  19.52941176],
       [ 89.        ,  19.9       ],
       [ 88.52941176,  20.        ],
       [ 88.        ,  20.52941176],
       [ 87.        ,  20.9       ],
       [ 86.52941176,  21.        ],
       [ 87.        ,  21.47058824],
       [ 88.        ,  21.47058824],
       [ 88.52941176,  22.        ],
       [ 89.        ,  22.47058824],
       [ 90.        ,  22.47058824],
       [ 91.        ,  22.47058824],
       [ 92.        ,  22.47058824],
       [ 93.        ,  22.47058824],
       [ 93.52941176,  23.        ],
       [ 94.        ,  23.1       ],
       [ 95.        ,  23.1       ],
       [ 95.47058824,  23.        ],
       [ 96.        ,  22.47058824],
       [ 96.52941176,  23.        ],
       [ 97.        ,  23.1       ],
       [ 97.47058824,  23.        ],
       [ 98.        ,  22.47058824],
       [ 98.47058824,  22.        ],
       [ 99.        ,  21.47058824],
       [ 99.10777023,  21.        ]]), array([[ 90.        ,  31.9       ],
       [ 89.1       ,  31.        ],
       [ 89.1       ,  30.        ],
       [ 89.47058824,  29.        ],
       [ 90.        ,  28.47058824],
       [ 90.52941176,  29.        ],
       [ 90.9       ,  30.        ],
       [ 90.9       ,  31.        ],
       [ 90.        ,  31.9       ]]), array([[ 92.        ,  35.9       ],
       [ 91.1       ,  35.        ],
       [ 91.        ,  34.52941176],
       [ 90.47058824,  34.        ],
       [ 90.1       ,  33.        ],
       [ 90.1       ,  32.        ],
       [ 91.        ,  31.1       ],
       [ 91.9       ,  32.        ],
       [ 91.9       ,  33.        ],
       [ 92.        ,  33.1       ],
       [ 92.9       ,  34.        ],
       [ 92.9       ,  35.        ],
       [ 92.        ,  35.9       ]]), array([[ 100.        ,
       [  99.        ,  111.9       ],
       [  98.9       ,  112.        ],
       [  98.        ,  112.9       ],
       [  97.        ,  112.89222977],
       [  96.10777023,  112.        ],
       [  96.1       ,  111.        ],
       [  96.1       ,  110.        ],
       [  97.        ,  109.1       ],
       [  97.47058824,  109.        ],
       [  97.        ,  108.9       ],
       [  96.9       ,  109.        ],
       [  96.        ,  109.9       ],
       [  95.52941176,  110.        ],
       [  95.        ,  110.52941176],
       [  94.9       ,  111.        ],
       [  94.        ,  111.9       ],
       [  93.9       ,  112.        ],
       [  93.        ,  112.9       ],
       [  92.9       ,  113.        ],
       [  92.9       ,  114.        ],
       [  93.        ,  114.1       ],
       [  93.1       ,  114.        ],
       [  93.1       ,  113.        ],
       [  94.        ,  112.1       ],
       [  94.1       ,  112.        ],
       [  95.        ,  111.1       ],
       [  95.9       ,  112.        ],
       [  95.9       ,  113.        ],
       [  95.52941176,  114.        ],
       [  95.        ,  114.52941176],
       [  94.89222977,  115.        ],
       [  94.        ,  115.89222977],
       [  93.9       ,  116.        ],
       [  93.        ,  116.9       ],
       [  92.9       ,  117.        ],
       [  92.        ,  117.9       ],
       [  91.        ,  117.9       ],
       [  90.1       ,  117.        ],
       [  90.1       ,  116.        ],
       [  90.1       ,  115.        ],
       [  90.1       ,  114.        ],
       [  91.        ,  113.1       ],
       [  91.1       ,  113.        ],
       [  91.47058824,  112.        ],
       [  92.        ,  111.47058824],
       [  92.1       ,  111.        ],
       [  93.        ,  110.1       ],
       [  93.1       ,  110.        ],
       [  94.        ,  109.1       ],
       [  94.1       ,  109.        ],
       [  95.        ,  108.1       ],
       [  95.1       ,  108.        ],
       [  96.        ,  107.1       ],
       [  97.        ,  107.1       ],
       [  98.        ,  107.47058824],
       [  98.52941176,  108.        ],
       [  99.        ,  108.1       ],
       [  99.9       ,  109.        ],
       [ 100.        ,  109.47058824],
       [ 100.52941176,  110.        ],
       [ 100.52941176,  111.        ],
       [ 100.        ,  111.52941176]]), array([[ 100.        ,
       [  99.        ,   41.9       ],
       [  98.        ,   41.52941176],
       [  97.47058824,   41.        ],
       [  97.        ,   40.9       ],
       [  96.        ,   40.89222977],
       [  95.10777023,   40.        ],
       [  95.        ,   39.9       ],
       [  94.1       ,   39.        ],
       [  94.        ,   38.9       ],
       [  93.1       ,   38.        ],
       [  93.        ,   37.9       ],
       [  92.1       ,   37.        ],
       [  92.1       ,   36.        ],
       [  93.        ,   35.1       ],
       [  93.9       ,   36.        ],
       [  94.        ,   36.1       ],
       [  94.9       ,   37.        ],
       [  95.        ,   37.10777023],
       [  95.89222977,   38.        ],
       [  96.        ,   38.1       ],
       [  96.9       ,   39.        ],
       [  97.        ,   39.1       ],
       [  98.        ,   39.47058824],
       [  98.52941176,   40.        ],
       [  99.        ,   40.1       ],
       [ 100.        ,   40.47058824],
       [ 100.52941176,   41.        ],
       [ 100.        ,   41.52941176]]), array([[  94.0300679,  122.
       [  94.       ,  121.9699321],
       [  93.       ,  121.9699321],
       [  92.9699321,  122.       ],
       [  93.       ,  122.0300679],
       [  94.       ,  122.0300679],
       [  94.0300679,  122.       ]]), array([[ 95.        ,  22.52941176],
       [ 94.47058824,  22.        ],
       [ 95.        ,  21.47058824],
       [ 95.52941176,  22.        ],
       [ 95.        ,  22.52941176]]), array([[ 102.        ,   28.9
       [ 101.        ,   28.9       ],
       [ 100.        ,   28.9       ],
       [  99.        ,   28.52941176],
       [  98.        ,   28.9       ],
       [  97.        ,   28.9       ],
       [  96.        ,   28.52941176],
       [  95.47058824,   28.        ],
       [  96.        ,   27.47058824],
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       [ 111. ,  104.9]]), array([[ 111.1,   37. ],
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       [ 112.        ,  110.47058824],
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       [ 112.9       ,  112.        ],
       [ 112.9       ,  113.        ],
       [ 112.9       ,  114.        ],
       [ 112.9       ,  115.        ],
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       [ 112.        ,  116.52941176],
       [ 111.9       ,  117.        ],
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       [ 114.        ,  115.47058824],
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       [ 114.52941176,  119.        ],
       [ 114.        ,  119.52941176],
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       [ 113.9       ,  121.        ],
       [ 113.9       ,  122.        ],
       [ 113.9       ,  123.        ],
       [ 114.        ,  123.47058824],
       [ 114.1       ,  123.        ],
       [ 114.1       ,  122.        ],
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       [ 131.        ,   65.9       ],
       [ 130.        ,   65.52941176],
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       [ 126.        ,   64.52941176],
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       [ 124.        ,   63.9       ],
       [ 123.        ,   63.89222977],
       [ 122.        ,   63.9       ],
       [ 121.        ,   63.52941176],
       [ 120.        ,   63.9       ],
       [ 119.        ,   63.9       ],
       [ 118.        ,   63.9       ],
       [ 117.9       ,   64.        ],
       [ 117.        ,   64.9       ],
       [ 116.        ,   64.52941176],
       [ 115.47058824,   64.        ],
       [ 115.        ,   63.9       ],
       [ 114.9       ,   64.        ],
       [ 114.9       ,   65.        ],
       [ 115.        ,   65.1       ],
       [ 116.        ,   65.1       ],
       [ 116.9       ,   66.        ],
       [ 117.        ,   66.1       ],
       [ 118.        ,   66.1       ],
       [ 119.        ,   66.1       ],
       [ 119.9       ,   67.        ],
       [ 120.        ,   67.1       ],
       [ 121.        ,   67.1       ],
       [ 122.        ,   67.1       ],
       [ 123.        ,   67.47058824],
       [ 123.52941176,   68.        ],
       [ 124.        ,   68.1       ],
       [ 125.        ,   68.1       ],
       [ 126.        ,   68.1       ],
       [ 127.        ,   68.1       ],
       [ 128.        ,   68.47058824],
       [ 128.52941176,   69.        ],
       [ 129.        ,   69.1       ],
       [ 130.        ,   69.1       ],
       [ 131.        ,   69.1       ],
       [ 132.        ,   69.1       ],
       [ 133.        ,   69.47058824],
       [ 133.52941176,   70.        ],
       [ 134.        ,   70.1       ],
       [ 135.        ,   70.1       ]]), array([[ 115.        ,
       [ 114.47058824,   92.        ],
       [ 114.47058824,   91.        ],
       [ 115.        ,   90.47058824],
       [ 115.52941176,   91.        ],
       [ 115.52941176,   92.        ],
       [ 115.        ,   92.52941176]]), array([[ 115.        ,
       [ 114.47058824,   97.        ],
       [ 114.47058824,   96.        ],
       [ 115.        ,   95.47058824],
       [ 115.52941176,   96.        ],
       [ 115.52941176,   97.        ],
       [ 115.        ,   97.52941176]]), array([[ 123.        ,
       [ 122.35137034,   53.        ],
       [ 123.        ,   52.35137034],
       [ 123.64862966,   53.        ],
       [ 123.        ,   53.64862966]]), array([[ 135.        ,
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       [ 134.1       ,   46.        ],
       [ 134.1       ,   45.        ],
       [ 134.1       ,   44.        ],
       [ 134.1       ,   43.        ],
       [ 134.0300679 ,   42.        ],
       [ 134.        ,   41.9699321 ],
       [ 133.1       ,   41.        ],
       [ 133.1       ,   40.        ],
       [ 133.1       ,   39.        ],
       [ 133.        ,   38.9       ],
       [ 132.1       ,   38.        ],
       [ 132.1       ,   37.        ],
       [ 132.1       ,   36.        ],
       [ 132.0300679 ,   35.        ],
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       [ 131.1       ,   34.        ],
       [ 131.1       ,   33.        ],
       [ 131.        ,   32.9       ],
       [ 130.1       ,   32.        ],
       [ 130.        ,   31.52941176],
       [ 129.        ,   31.9       ],
       [ 128.1       ,   31.        ],
       [ 128.1       ,   30.        ],
       [ 129.        ,   29.1       ],
       [ 129.1       ,   29.        ],
       [ 129.        ,   28.9       ],
       [ 128.9       ,   29.        ],
       [ 128.        ,   29.9       ],
       [ 127.        ,   29.9       ],
       [ 126.        ,   29.9       ],
       [ 125.9       ,   30.        ],
       [ 126.        ,   30.1       ],
       [ 127.        ,   30.1       ],
       [ 127.9       ,   31.        ],
       [ 128.        ,   31.1       ],
       [ 128.9       ,   32.        ],
       [ 129.        ,   32.1       ],
       [ 129.9       ,   33.        ],
       [ 129.9       ,   34.        ],
       [ 129.9       ,   35.        ],
       [ 129.9       ,   36.        ],
       [ 130.        ,   36.1       ],
       [ 130.9       ,   37.        ],
       [ 130.9       ,   38.        ],
       [ 130.9       ,   39.        ],
       [ 131.        ,   39.1       ],
       [ 131.9       ,   40.        ],
       [ 131.9       ,   41.        ],
       [ 131.9       ,   42.        ],
       [ 131.9       ,   43.        ],
       [ 131.9       ,   44.        ],
       [ 132.        ,   44.35137034],
       [ 132.64862966,   45.        ],
       [ 132.9       ,   46.        ],
       [ 132.        ,   46.9699321 ],
       [ 131.1       ,   46.        ],
       [ 131.        ,   45.9       ],
       [ 130.1       ,   45.        ],
       [ 130.        ,   44.9       ],
       [ 129.        ,   44.9       ],
       [ 128.0300679 ,   44.        ],
       [ 128.        ,   43.9699321 ],
       [ 127.        ,   43.9       ],
       [ 126.        ,   43.9       ],
       [ 125.9       ,   44.        ],
       [ 125.9       ,   45.        ],
       [ 125.9       ,   46.        ],
       [ 125.9       ,   47.        ],
       [ 126.        ,   47.1       ],
       [ 127.        ,   47.1       ],
       [ 127.9       ,   48.        ],
       [ 128.        ,   48.1       ],
       [ 129.        ,   48.1       ],
       [ 130.        ,   48.1       ],
       [ 131.        ,   48.13129412],
       [ 132.        ,   48.13129412],
       [ 132.64862966,   49.        ],
       [ 132.9       ,   50.        ],
       [ 133.        ,   50.1       ],
       [ 134.        ,   50.1       ],
       [ 135.        ,   50.1       ]])]
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On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 12:19 PM, Juan Nunez-Iglesias <jni.soma at>wrote:

> Hi Payal,
> I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of "find_boundaries"... Not
> quite your fault since the documentation is pretty sparse there.
> I'll use my favourite fuzzball as an example:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> "find_boundaries" is meant to take in a segmentation, which is an image in
> which each region has a different integer label, like this one:
> [image: Inline image 2]
> Then, find_boundaries merely looks for pixels where the neighbouring
> labels are different:
> [image: Inline image 3]
> It's not doing any edge detection per se, it's just a tool for displaying
> segmentations when it is easier to look at edges than at regions (above). I
> think what you are after is edge detection? Maybe an image like this one:
> [image: Inline image 4]
> ?
> For that, you should directly use the edge detection algorithms, such as
> Sobel or Canny, without previously thresholding your image. Have a close
> look at the examples gallery to figure out if any are close to what you are
> after, and try to apply the code there to your own image:
> Some of the more pertinent ones, I think:
> Note that in the edge detection examples, Canny/Sobel is applied to the
> image *before* any thresholding — unlike the example code you provided.
> Juan.
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Payal Gupta <erpayal2010 at> wrote:
>> hello everyone...
>> i will try this code,in this  i want to do read a image then do edge
>> detection after that find the boundaries of image object. but
>> find_boundaries return me a bool array but i need a integer array. is it
>> any solution of this.
>> code::
>> import Image
>> from skimage import segmentation as seg,io,filter
>> imge = io.imread("IMG_1.jpg")
>>  thresh = filter.threshold_otsu(imge)
>> binary = imge> thresh
>> edge_canny = filter.canny(binary)
>> bimg =seg.find_boundaries(binary)
>> print(bimg)
>> fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
>> ax0.imshow(bimg,
>> ax1.imshow(binary,
>> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 7:42 PM, Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at>wrote:
>>> On 3 Sep 2013 11:45, "Payal Gupta" <erpayal2010 at> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > thanks it working but i confused when i use function of skimage
>>> library. i want to change rgb image to a graylevel image but inbuilt
>>> function rgb2gray not convert gray level image.
>>> > reply.
>>> If you want help on this list, please provide code examples of what you
>>> are attempting.
>>> Stéfan
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