Questions about tomography and scikit-image contribution

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at
Wed Jun 18 01:07:52 EDT 2014

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your interest! To answer your questions:

1) Is scikit-image the correct library for such functionality (like
> generalized Radon transform and projection matrix creation)?

I think so.

2) Is there a reason (limitation) why the current radon/iradon functions
> are not more generalized?

I don't know -- I will leave this question to scikit-imagers with experience
in that module. But usually the answer to this question is: we haven't got
round to it. =)

3) If you think this functionality may be of use--any advice for
> development etc?

4) Where do you think the scikit-image project is in its lifecycle?

I would say we are one or two minor releases (0.11, 0.12) from announcing

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