Example: Scikit-image and trackpy (bubble tracking in foams)

Emmanuelle Gouillart emmanuelle.gouillart at nsup.org
Thu Nov 20 14:22:31 EST 2014

Very nice! I just tweeted about it :-). 

How good is that trackpy library? On Tuesday I was giving a presentation
about scikit-image and someone in the audience asked me if I knew some
good tools for 2D/3D + time image processing, for example for tracking
particles/cells. I didn't know any, and actually I don't know whether
there exist some "classical" and robust algorithms for particle tracking
(like median filter for denoising, otsu thresholding, etc.), or if
everything is very application-dependent. What is your experience about


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 01:05:24PM -0500, François Boulogne wrote:
> Hi,

> Just for your information, I wrote an example based on my research to
> show the use of scikit-image with trackpy for feature detection and
> tracking.
> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/soft-matter/trackpy-examples/blob/master/notebooks/custom_feature_detection.ipynb

> Hopefully, this might be helpful for future workshops or presentations.

> Best,

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