Enquiring about companies that rely on scikit-image

Emmanuelle Gouillart emmanuelle.gouillart at nsup.org
Sat Jul 18 10:25:13 EDT 2015

> I've set up an initial survey at:

> https://berkeley.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_bIvXsLsLiZCBNJj

> Please let me know how I can improve it.  Once we're done, I'll add a pop-up
> bubble to the scikit-image webpage.

Thank you Stéfan! 

How about adding a field:

what I like (dislike) most in scikit-image is 
- the API (ie, the way to call functions)
- the ease of installation
- the variety of features
- the documentation
- the execution speed
- that it works on 2D and 3D arrays
- other:

in order to know why people choose scikit-image and where they would like
to see changes?


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