hough ellipse fit inaccurate?

Arno Dietz arnodietz86 at googlemail.com
Sat Mar 7 14:48:33 EST 2015

Hm I don't know. Do you have the file "true_coords.pickle" in the 
directory? So I think the simplest way is to post the true coordinates here 
so you can just copy and paste instead of loading it.

true_coords = np.float32([[116.16552734, 56.91558838],
[119.50671387, 50.36520386],
[120.07568359, 47.97659302],
[118.15393066, 51.35003662],
[113.87670898, 58.54443359],
[115.45068359, 67.83599854],
[121.19805908, 61.79907227],
[122.86755371, 58.47949219],
[122.07769775, 59.83483887],
[117.28759766, 65.25402832],
[118.67297363, 74.89511108],
[123.27319336, 70.87173462],
[124.70935059, 69.62966919],
[122.70861816, 70.76901245],
[116.82958984, 76.34967041],
[118.11944580, 85.86563110],
[124.74987793, 82.02990723],
[127.60803223, 80.19348145],
[125.04113770, 81.24456787],
[120.22363281, 83.61611938],
[122.88574219, 93.01083374],
[128.35363770, 91.51263428],
[129.56744385, 89.71978760],
[126.35644531, 92.14715576],
[120.37841797, 93.98809814]])
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