Digest for scikit-image at googlegroups.com - 2 updates in 2 topics

Stéfan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Wed Mar 25 22:12:23 EDT 2015

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 6:40 AM, Raphael Okoye <raphael at aims.ac.za> wrote:
>  Can one implement SIFT and SURF functionalities available in openCV
> in Sckit-image?Thanks

Unfortunately SIFT and SURF are patent encumbered, so we cannot
include them in scikit-image.  That said, I have file readers
available for the format output by die provided SIFT and SURF
binaries.  You can also use SIFT and SURF from OpenCV
inter-operatively with scikit-image.  We also have other kinds of
similar feature detectors, such as CenSURE, implemented (see


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