GSoC 2015 - Accepted Students

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at
Sun May 3 16:03:39 EDT 2015

On 2015-05-01 12:17:18, Vighnesh Birodkar 
<vighneshbirodkar at> wrote:
> I'd also request Stefan and Ralf to chip in with their thoughts 
> and share  if they agree/disagree with my ideas about these blog 
> posts (I'm trying to  get a hang of this mentoring thing). Also, 
> Juan can share his thoughts, for  he use to always push me (and 
> rightfully so) towards writing better last  year.

For me, it is important that we have frequent (daily) interaction 
during the community bonding period.  So, let's get going on 
writing those blogs, filing pull requests, reviewing existing PRs, 
and chatting on gitter!

We have a killer team, both mentor- and student-wise this 
year--I'm excited!


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