PyData Community Cookbook - August Update

Alexandre Fioravante de Siqueira siqueiraaf at
Tue Aug 30 09:29:09 EDT 2016

Hi all,
I'd be glad to contribute, if you're still searching. I could use some 
previous written material I have here.
If it is ok, please tell me what I need to do.
Kind regards,


Em segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2016 22:13:56 UTC+2, stefanv escreveu:
> Hi everyone
> Is anyone interested in writing a scikit-image chapter for the following 
> book?
> Stéfan
> ----- Original message -----
> From: Andy Ray Terrel <an... at <javascript:>>
> Subject: PyData Community Cookbook - August Update
> Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2016 07:14:58 -0500
> Hello everyone,
> You are receiving this email because you were either invited and committed 
> to join our project. Please feel free to forward this message to a more 
> appropriate list or person. For questions please email 
> pydata-... at <javascript:>.
> Katy Huff and myself are starting a project to build a cookbook of 
> advanced material for the PyData community. The cookbook will be published 
> by Addison-Wesley. We have invited a number of contributors to see if such 
> a project would have some interest and received overwhelmingly positive 
> feedback. 
> The book will cover several major topics, organized as such, with some 
> sample packages:
> - IDE: IPython/Jupyter
> - Data Structures / Numerics: NumPy, Pandas, Xray, PyTables
> - Viz: Matplotlib, Bokeh, Seaborn, yt
> - Algorithms / Science: SciPy, Scikit-learn, Scikit-image, statsmodels, 
> sympy, gensim
> - Performance / Scale: Cython, Numexpr, Numba, Dask, pyspark
> We expect each submission to be about 15 - 20 pages describing an example 
> of the power of each library. While we have reached out to the projects 
> about putting each submission together we are happy to accept chapters for 
> libraries we did not initially identify.
> To facilitate the book we have put together a repository for collecting 
> and reviewing submissions at . 
> We are asking for submissions in rst but would appreciate any other files, 
> such as jupyter notebooks or code, for a digital appendix as well.
> If you read this far and are interested in contributing.  The proposed 
> schedule is the following:
> Sept 1: Submit a pull request with a title, abstract and author list for 
> the submission.
> Nov 15: Submit a completed chapter.
> Dec 31: Reviews for chapters finished.
> Jan 31: All chapter revisions due.
> Thanks for you time!
> -- 
> Andy R. Terrel, PhD
> President, NumFOCUS
> an... at <javascript:>
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