Genetic Algorithms based feature extraction algorithm (by minimizing a metric)

Hakim Benoudjit h.benoudjit at
Sun May 29 18:46:35 EDT 2016


Is there a pixel-based region growing algorithm implemented with 
Scikit-image that would be employed for feature extraction on an image? 
Basically, the kind of algorithms I'm looking for (or just checking if 
someone came across it, to see if I'm in the right direction) works by 
adding pixels to the detected feature based on the minimization of a 
certain metric. Potentially, a pixel can be removed if the metric is not 
optimized when this pixel is added.

I'm thinking of implementing this feature extraction algorithm using 
Genetic Algorithms (GA), but I can't think of a way to make it possible to 
backtrack (i.e. remove a pixel).
Anyone encountered something similar even if it's not using GAs?
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