Task board

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Mon Sep 5 06:42:46 EDT 2016

On Sun, Sep 4, 2016, at 01:32, Egor Panfilov wrote:
>> You mean RFCs like PEPs?
> Exactly. I think, this format would help to accumulate our opinions on
> different matters (e.g. how to we treat and depend on `matplotlib`)

We should chat to Ralf Gommers to find out how successful the
Enhancement Proposal approach has been for SciPy, which is similar to
this project in many ways.

> Well, I'm just saying that we as a core team should drive the
> evolution of backend and make life easier for contributors and users.
> Like, try to imagine some new contributor making a PR introducing
> Sphinx Gallery. Can't see this happenning. Of course, all of us are
> working on this kind of features already, I just want to highlight
> this (maybe trivial) point.
> As a "practical guide", perhaps we should dedicate more time to the
> _complex_ issues/requests/PRs we have.

Still, I'm unclear how we can make it easier for newcomers to contribute
to the backend.  Do you have any practical suggestions?

Best regards
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