[scikit-learn] sklearn - knn sklearn.neighbors kneighbors function producing unexpected result for text analysis?
Joel Nothman
joel.nothman at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 06:46:49 EDT 2017
The problem is the misuse of the label encoder. See
On 20 April 2017 at 19:58, Alex Garel <alex at garel.org> wrote:
> I'm not totally sure of what you're trying to do, but here are some
> remarks that may help you:
> 1. in modelfit = model.fit(count_vect, enc), the enc parameter is not
> used, only the count_vect matrix is used
> 2. when you use kneighbors you get vectors corresponding to wiki['text']
> not to wiki['name'], so it seems very strange to use
> mod_enc.inverse_transform on it !
> Maybe what you should better find those vectors in count_vect and read
> "name" at corresponding row in your dataframe.
> Hope it helps,
> Alex
> Le 16/04/2017 à 10:56, Evaristo Caraballo via scikit-learn a écrit :
> I have been asked to implement a simple knn for text similarity analysis.
> I tried by using sklearn.neighbors module.
> The file to be analysed consisted on 2 relevant columns: "text" and "name".
> The knn model should be fitted with bag-of-words of a corpus of around
> 60,000 pre-treated text fragments of about 200 words each. I used
> CounterVectorizer.
> As test I was asked to use the model to get the names in the "name" column
> related to 10 top text strings that are the closest to a pre-selected one
> that also exists in the corpus used to initialise the knn model. Similarity
> distance should be measured using an euclidean metric.
> I used the kneighbors function to obtain the closest neighbors.
> Below you can find the code I was trying to implement using kneighbors:
> import os, sysimport sklearnimport sklearn.neighbors as sk_neighborsfrom sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizerimport pandasimport scipyimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as np%matplotlib inline
> wiki = pandas.read_csv('wiki_filefragment.csv')
> mod_count_vect = CountVectorizer()
> count_vect = mod_count_vect.fit_transform(wiki['text'])print(count_vect.shape)
> mod_count_vect.get_feature_names()
> mod_enc = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(wiki['name'])
> enc = mod_enc.transform(wiki['name'])
> enc
> model = sk_neighbors.NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=10, algorithm='brute', p = 2 ) #no matter what I use, it is always the same
> modelfit = model.fit(count_vect, enc)
> #also likely the kneighbors is not working?print( mod_enc.inverse_transform( modelfit.kneighbors( count_vect[mod_enc.transform( ['Franz Rottensteiner'] )], n_neighbors=11, return_distance=False ) ) )
> This implementation gave me the following results for the first 10 nearest
> neighbors to 'Franz Rottensteiner':
> Franz Rottensteiner, Ren%C3%A9 Froger, Ichikawa Ennosuke III, Tofusquirrel
> , M. G. Sheftall, Peter Maurer, Allan Weisbecker, Ferdinand Knobloch,
> Andrea Foulkes, Alan W. Meerow, John Warner (writer)
> The results continued to be far from being close to the test solution
> (which use Graphlab Create and SFrame), which are:
> Franz Rottensteiner, Ian Mitchell (author), Rajiva Wijesinha, Andr%C3%A9
> Hurst, Leslie R. Landrum, Andrew Pinsent, Alan W. Meerow, John Angus
> Campbell, Antonello Bonci, Henkjan Honing, Joseph Born Kadane
> In fact, I tried a simple brute force implementation by iterating over the
> list of texts calculating distances with scipy and that gave me the
> expected results. The result was the same after also using Python 2.7.
> A link to the implementations (the one that doesn't work and the one that
> does) together a pick the file used for this test can be found on this
> Gist <https://gist.github.com/evaristoc/eb2f2d91524b874c4db6638359e32b0f>.
> Does anyone can suggest what it is wrong with my sklearn implementation?
> Relevant resources are: - Anaconda Python3.5 (with a virtenv using 2.7) -
> Jupyter - sklearn 0.18 - pandas
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