[scikit-learn] What if I don't want performance measures per each outcome class?

Suranga Kasthurirathne surangakas at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 11:50:49 EDT 2017

Hello all,

I'm looking at the confidence matrix and performance measures (precision,
recall, f-measure etc.) produced by scikit.

It seems that scikit calculates these measures per each outcome class, and
then combines them into some sort of average.

I would really like to see these measures presented in the traditional(?)
context, where sensitivity is TP / TP + FN. (and is combined, and NOT per

If I were to take scikit predictions, and calculate sensitivity using the
above, then my results wont match up to what scikit says :(

How can I switch to seeing overall performance measures, and not per class?
and also, how may I obtain 95% confidence intervals foreach of these

Best Regards,
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