[scikit-learn] L-BFGS in MLPClassifier

Dr. Mario Michael Krell mario.michael.krell at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 11:40:35 EDT 2017

To whoever programmed the MLPClassifier (with the L-BFGS solver),

I just wanted to personally thank you and if I get your name(s), I would mention it/them in my paper additionally to the mandatory sklearn citation.

I hope that sklearn will be keeping this algorithm forever in their library despite the increasing amount of established deep learning libraries that seem to make this code obsolete. For my small scale, more theoretic analysis, it worked much better than any other algorithm and I would not have gotten such surprising results. Due to the high quality implementation, the integration of a much better solver than SGD, and the respective good documentation, I could show empirically how the VC dimension and another property of MLPs (MacKay dimension) actually scale linear with the number of edges in the respective graph which helped us to provide a new much more strict upper bound (https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.06019 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.06019>). This would have not been possible with other implementations. If there is an interest by the developers, I could try to contribute a tutorial documentation for sklearn. Just let me know.

Thank you a lot!!!


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