[scikit-learn] MLPClassifier as a feature selector

Thomas Evangelidis tevang3 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 18:49:42 EST 2017


I want to train a MLPClassifier with one hidden layer and use it as a
feature selector for an MLPRegressor.
Is it possible to get the values of the neurons from the last hidden layer
of the MLPClassifier to pass them as input to the MLPRegressor?

If it is not possible with scikit-learn, is anyone aware of any
scikit-compatible NN library that offers this functionality? For example
this one:


I wouldn't like to do this in Tensorflow because the MLP there is much
slower than scikit-learn's implementation.




Dr Thomas Evangelidis

Post-doctoral Researcher
CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology
Masaryk University
Kamenice 5/A35/2S049,
62500 Brno, Czech Republic

email: tevang at pharm.uoa.gr

          tevang3 at gmail.com

website: https://sites.google.com/site/thomasevangelidishomepage/
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