[scikit-learn] Need help to start contributing

Soumyo Dey soumyodey at live.com
Thu Feb 16 14:15:25 EST 2017


Thank you Tom for the welcome. I would like to know, is it okay to work on the same bug which some other is already working on, or does the core devs/ mentors assign bugs to individuals?

Thank you,

Soumyo Dey

Twitter : @SoumyoDey<https://link.nylas.com/link/z82y9ejfckg74qf8wv68racn/local-f41ee7f5-b444/3?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FSoumyoDey>
Website: http://ace139.com/<https://link.nylas.com/link/z82y9ejfckg74qf8wv68racn/local-f41ee7f5-b444/4?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Face139.github.io%2F>

From: scikit-learn <scikit-learn-bounces+soumyodey=live.com at python.org> on behalf of Tom DLT <tom.duprelatour at orange.fr>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 8:17:30 PM
To: Scikit-learn user and developer mailing list
Subject: Re: [scikit-learn] Need help to start contributing


If you're looking to get started, you might try sorting issues by those with "Needs contributor" and "easy" to begin with.
You should also check out the contributor guidelines:
We look forward to seeing your contributions.


2017-02-15 6:22 GMT+01:00 Soumyo Dey <soumyodey at live.com<mailto:soumyodey at live.com>>:


I want to start contributing to the project, help me get started with an easyfix. I was able to setup git repository. Now I would like to start contributing with some code.

Thank you,

Soumyo Dey

Twitter : @SoumyoDey<https://link.nylas.com/link/z82y9ejfckg74qf8wv68racn/local-f41ee7f5-b444/3?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FSoumyoDey>
Website: http://ace139.com/<https://link.nylas.com/link/z82y9ejfckg74qf8wv68racn/local-f41ee7f5-b444/4?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Face139.github.io%2F>

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