[scikit-learn] Contribution
Vlad Niculae
zephyr14 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 13:37:12 EDT 2017
On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 04:10:09PM +0000, federico vaggi wrote:
> There is a fantastic library called lightning where the optimization
> routines are first class citizens:
> http://contrib.scikit-learn.org/lightning/ - you can take a look there.
> However, lightning focuses on convex optimization, so most algorithms have
> provable convergence rates.
I fully agree that lightning is fantastic :) but it might not be what Gürhan
It's true that lightning's api is designed around optimizers rather
than around models. So where in scikit-learn we usually have, e.g.,
in lightning you would have
to achieve something close. But neither library has the oo-style
separation between freeform models and optimizers such as you might
find in deep learning frameworks. So, for instance, it's relatively
easy to add a new loss function to the lightning SAGClassifier, but
you would still be able to only use it with a linear model.
This is by design in both scikit-learn and lightning, at least at the
moment: by making these kinds of assumptions about the models,
implementations can be much more efficient in terms of computation and
storage, especially when sparse data is involved.
> Good luck!
> On Mon, 10 Jul 2017 at 09:05 Jacob Schreiber <jmschreiber91 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Howdy
> >
> > This question and the one right after in the FAQ are probably relevant re:
> > inclusion of new algorithms:
> > http://scikit-learn.org/stable/faq.html#what-are-the-inclusion-criteria-for-new-algorithms.
> > The gist is that we only include well established algorithms, and there are
> > no end to those. I think it is unlikely that a PR will get merged with a
> > cutting edge new algorithm, as the scope of scikit-learn isn't necessary
> > "the latest" as opposed to "the classics." You may also consider writing a
> > scikit-contrib package that basically creates what you're interested in in
> > scikit-learn format, but external to the project. We'd be more than happy
> > to link to it. If the algorithm becomes a smashing success over time, we'd
> > reconsider adding it to the main code base.
> >
> > As to your first question, you should check out how the current optimizers
> > are written for the algorithm you're interested in. I don't think there's a
> > plug and play way to drop in your own optimizer like many deep learning
> > packages support, unfortunately. You'd probably have to modify the code
> > directly to support your own.
> >
> > Let me know if you have any other questions.
> >
> > Jacob
> >
> > On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Gürhan Ceylan <grhanceylan at gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hi everyone,
> >>
> >> I am wondering, How can I use external optimization algorithms with scikit-learn,
> >> for instance neural network
> >> <http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/neural_networks_supervised.html#algorithms>
> >> , instead of defined algorithms ( Stochastic Gradient Descent, Adam, or
> >> L-BFGS).
> >>
> >> Furthermore, I want to introduce a new unconstrained optimization
> >> algorithm to scikit-learn, implementation of the algorithm and related paper
> >> can be found here <https://github.com/sibirbil/PMBSolve>.
> >>
> >> I couldn't find any explanation
> >> <http://scikit-learn.org/stable/developers/contributing.html>, about the
> >> situation. Do you have defined procedure to make such kind of
> >> contributions? If this is not the case, How should I start to make such a
> >> proposal/contribution ?
> >>
> >>
> >> Kind regards,
> >>
> >> Gürhan C.
> >>
> >>
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> >> scikit-learn at python.org
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> >>
> > _______________________________________________
> > scikit-learn mailing list
> > scikit-learn at python.org
> > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/scikit-learn
> >
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