[scikit-learn] Regarding GSoC projects and mentors

Jacob Schreiber jmschreiber91 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 17:01:12 EDT 2017

Hi Jeff

I would be overseeing the parallel decision tree building project, and Gael
is overseeing the linear models project. This will end up being fairly
fluid, as we're looking for the right combination of mentors and students.


On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 8:37 AM, Jeff Lee <jeff3456 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Jefferson Lee and I am a computer science student at NYU
> passionate about machine learning and AI.
> I was hoping to speak with potential mentors regarding the two suggested
> projects
> <https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/wiki/Google-summer-of-code-(GSOC)-2017#improve-online-learning-for-linear-models>
> and how I might research more about the topics to write a very strong
> proposal.
> I also wanted to gain learn about some of the stalled projects that might
> be viable as a GSoC project.
> Let me know if anyone is available to chat about these topics!
> Best,
> Jeff
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