[scikit-learn] Contrib: Artificial Immune Recongnition System

AZZOUG Aghiles ea_azzoug at esi.dz
Mon Nov 26 11:21:25 EST 2018

Hello devs,

I'm a final year computer engineering student, currently doing my masters
and engineering degree in recommender systems.

Last summer, after an optimization course, I found a quite interesting
recognition algorithm called : Artificial immune recognition system
(described in the paper below), and I was wondering if its implementation
would be interesting for the scikit-learn library.

I wrote a first version of it which is available in my GitHub page (
the code is only working for Iris datasets (since it was only a test).

I'm happy to get any suggestions of critics from the community.



Paper ref. :
Watkins, A., Timmis, J., & Boggess, L. (2004). Artificial immune
recognition system (AIRS): An immune-inspired supervised learning
algorithm. *Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines*, *5*(3), 291-317.
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