[scikit-learn] VOTE: scikit-learn governance document

Andreas Mueller t3kcit at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 20:59:08 EST 2019

Hey all.

I want to call a vote on the final version on the scikit-learn 
governance document, which can be found in this PR:


It underwent some significant changes in the last couple of weeks.

The two-sentence summary is: conflicts are resolved by vote among core 
devs, with a technical committee resolving anything that can not be 
decided by at least a 2/3 majority. The initial technical committee is 
Alexander Gramfort, Olivier Grisel, Joel Nothman, Hanmin Qin, Gaël 
Varoquaux and myself (Andreas Müller).

I would ask all of the *core developers* to either vote +1 for the 
governance doc, -1 against it, or to explicitly abstain here on the 
public mailing list (which is the way any vote will be conducted 
according to the new governance document).

I suggest we leave the vote open for two weeks, so that the decision is 
made before the sprint and we can take actions.

Anyone can still comment on the PR or here, though I would rather not 
make more changes as this has already been discussed to some length.

Thank you for participating,


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