[scikit-learn] LogisticRegression
Eric J. Van der Velden
ericjvandervelden at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 00:18:47 EDT 2019
Op di 11 jun. 2019 20:48 schreef Andreas Mueller <t3kcit at gmail.com>:
> On 6/11/19 11:47 AM, Eric J. Van der Velden wrote:
> Hi Nicolas, Andrew,
> Thanks!
> I found out that it is the regularization term. Sklearn always has that
> term. When I program logistic regression with that term too, with
> \lambda=1, I get exactly the same answer as sklearn, when I look at the
> parameters you gave me.
> Question is why sklearn always has that term in logistic regression. If
> you have enough data, do you need a regularization term?
> It's equivalent to setting C to a high value.
> We now allow penalty='none' in logisticregression, see
> https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/pull/12860
> I opened an issue on improving the docs:
> https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/14070
> feel free to make suggestions there.
> There's more discussion here as well:
> https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/6738
> Op di 11 jun. 2019 10:08 schreef Andrew Howe <ahowe42 at gmail.com>:
>> The coef_ attribute of the LogisticRegression object stores the
>> parameters.
>> Andrew
>> <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
>> J. Andrew Howe, PhD
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>> Personal Website <http://www.andrewhowe.com>
>> I live to learn, so I can learn to live. - me
>> <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
>> On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 6:58 PM Eric J. Van der Velden <
>> ericjvandervelden at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Here I have added what I had programmed.
>>> With sklearn's LogisticRegression(), how can I see the parameters it has
>>> found after .fit() where the cost is minimal? I use the book of Geron about
>>> scikit-learn and tensorflow and on page 137 he trains the model of petal
>>> widths. I did the following:
>>> iris=datasets.load_iris()
>>> a1=iris['data'][:,3:]
>>> y=(iris['target']==2).astype(int)
>>> log_reg=LogisticRegression()
>>> log_reg.fit(a1,y)
>>> log_reg.coef_
>>> array([[2.61727777]])
>>> log_reg.intercept_
>>> array([-4.2209364])
>>> I did the logistic regression myself with Gradient Descent or
>>> Newton-Raphson as I learned from my Coursera course and respectively from
>>> my book of Bishop. I used the Gradient Descent method like so:
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> iris=datasets.load_iris()
>>> a1=iris['data'][:,3:]
>>> A1=np.c_[np.ones((150,1)),a1]
>>> y=(iris['target']==2).astype(int).reshape(-1,1)
>>> lmda=1
>>> from scipy.special import expit
>>> def logreg_gd(w):
>>> z2=A1.dot(w)
>>> a2=expit(z2)
>>> delta2=a2-y
>>> w=w-(lmda/len(a1))*A1.T.dot(delta2)
>>> return w
>>> w=np.array([[0],[0]])
>>> for i in range(0,100000):
>>> w=logreg_gd(w)
>>> In [6219]: w
>>> Out[6219]:
>>> array([[-21.12563996],
>>> [ 12.94750716]])
>>> I used Newton-Raphson like so, see Bishop page 207,
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> iris=datasets.load_iris()
>>> a1=iris['data'][:,3:]
>>> A1=np.c_[np.ones(len(a1)),a1]
>>> y=(iris['target']==2).astype(int).reshape(-1,1)
>>> def logreg_nr(w):
>>> z1=A1.dot(w)
>>> y=expit(z1)
>>> R=np.diag((y*(1-y))[:,0])
>>> H=A1.T.dot(R).dot(A1)
>>> tmp=A1.dot(w)-np.linalg.inv(R).dot(y-t)
>>> v=np.linalg.inv(H).dot(A1.T).dot(R).dot(tmp)
>>> return v
>>> w=np.array([[0],[0]])
>>> for i in range(0,10):
>>> w=logreg_nr(w)
>>> In [5149]: w
>>> Out[5149]:
>>> array([[-21.12563996],
>>> [ 12.94750716]])
>>> Notice how much faster Newton-Raphson goes than Gradient Descent. But
>>> they give the same result.
>>> How can I see which parameters LogisticRegression() found? And should
>>> I give LogisticRegression other parameters?
>>> On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 11:34 AM Eric J. Van der Velden <
>>> ericjvandervelden at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am learning sklearn from my book of Geron. On page 137 he learns the
>>>> model of petal widths.
>>>> When I implements logistic regression myself as I learned from my
>>>> Coursera course or from my book of Bishop I find that the following
>>>> parameters are found where the cost function is minimal:
>>>> In [6219]: w
>>>> Out[6219]:
>>>> array([[-21.12563996],
>>>> [ 12.94750716]])
>>>> I used Gradient Descent and Newton-Raphson, both give the same answer.
>>>> My question is: how can I see after fit() which parameters
>>>> LogisticRegression() has found?
>>>> One other question also: when I read the documentation page,
>>>> https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/linear_model.html#logistic-regression,
>>>> I see a different cost function as I read in the books.
>>>> Thanks.
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