[scikit-learn] Need help getting started with raster pattern learning

Stephen Woodbridge stephenwoodbridge37 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 14:31:38 EST 2020

Hi all,

I think I need some help with getting started to use scikit for a 
project. Having a basic strategy would be helpful. I've been reading the 
docs and examples and can see how various tools might apply, but more 
questions than answers at the moment.

So my goal is to take various observations at locations in the ocean and 
then using satellite data at those locations, use that as training data. 
Then later evaluate new satellite raster images to identify similar 
locations in the new images.

So given a location, I plan to extract a region around that location of 
some size from the satellite data because the area around the point is 
likely significant, not just the point. So say, I have 500x500 extracted 

I think I want to use a one-class SVM because I only have positive 
samples and no negative samples, but I'm not sure how to transform the 
extracted raster into something that can be fed into the SVM for training.

Likewise, what if I had multiple extracted images, like an SST and a 
Chlorophyll, for a given location. Could this be handled as a multiple 
band image?

Later given a trained SVM, what would I use to evaluate a larger 
satellite image to find simial locations.

Not ask for a solution, but what tools should I be looking at for the 
different steps in this process.


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