[scikit-learn] scikit-learn github label wiki

Chiara Marmo marmochiaskl at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 06:13:17 EST 2021

Dear list,
dear triagers,
dear core-devs

I have started a page on the scikit-learn wiki, about the use of labels in
the scikit-learn github repository:
The page is meant to provide help in labeling issues and pull requests,
improving the standardization of the workflow and perhaps accelerate the
automation process (thanks to the identification of 'obvious' procedures).
The idea in the end is to make the review more understandable for the
contributors but also making reviewers trust the system a bit more ... :)

Triagers and core devs , feel free to comment and edit there.
List, feel free to comment and ask questions about the triaging process in
this mailing list, any help is welcome!

Thanks for your attention.


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