[scikit-learn] Experience with black formatting in scikit-learn for astropy

Tom Aldcroft taldcroft at gmail.com
Wed May 18 16:06:20 EDT 2022

Hi -

The astropy core is currently considering implementing code formatting with
black, much as scikit-learn did in 2020 (
https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/pull/18948). Not surprisingly
there are a wide range of opinions and concerns.

My goal in writing is to request feedback from the scikit-learn community
about how this transition has impacted development and community engagement
in the time since the transition.

Has there been specific feedback from contributors (both experienced and
new) related to black autoformatting?

   - Ease of actually running black and meeting the black-format standard
   for PRs. Have there been contributor problems that required assistance?
   - Style considerations?
   - Technical problems like backports?

Are there any regrets or things you would change?
Do you have any advice for the astropy project?

Any feedback from your experience would be most appreciated, especially
coming from a more science-oriented project like scikit-learn (as opposed
to other large projects like django or pytest that have also adopted black).

Tom (@taldcroft on GitHub)
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