[SciPy-dev] physical quantities: udunits?

Darren Dale dsdale24 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 09:50:31 EDT 2008

Hi Charles,

On Thursday 31 July 2008 06:56:33 pm you wrote:
> Ok looks like our security update was a bit too strong :) can you try
> again ?

Thanks, I am able to grab the sources now.

I did a search on the web a few days ago to see if udunits can be used on 
Windows. The answer appeared to be no, but I tried installing your unidata 
python package on windows anyway.

There is no windows binary for Numeric and python-2.5, so I tried a first 
order workaround by changing the Numeric include in udunits_wrap.c to:

#include "numpy/arrayobject.h"

This required importing numpy in your setup script and adding 
numpy.get_include() to the list of include_dirs in your extension 
constructor. I also had to modify the path where udunits is installed, in 
both setup.py and udunits.py. (moving udunits.dat into Lib would allow the 
library to be installed using distutils package_data, I think.)

I am happy to say that I was able to build the package with mingw, install it, 
and run the test script. I didn't see any problems (but I didn't really know 
what to look for).

Would you mind posting a link to your udunits2 package?

Based on your nice work here, and the appearance of windows compatibility, it 
seems like it shouldn't be too difficult to build a physical_quantities 
object subclassed from numpy.ndarray. Have you considered this possibility?


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