[SciPy-dev] Ticket #803 test_pbdv failed

Xavier Gnata xavier.gnata at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 10:15:56 EST 2008


Any idea to try to debug that issue (the only one I have with the
current svn scipy)?

My fortran residual knowledge is now so poor that I cannot really debug
this issue.
What I would first like to do is to run a small fortran routine calling
the pbdv procedure from cephes to see what I get (but with my poor
fortran knowledge it will take time :( )

My second point is the following:
If my understanding of pbdv is supposed to do, (0.0, 1.0) is the
correct answer : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ParabolicCylinderFunction.html
I must be missing something here.


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