[SciPy-dev] adding a nice progressbar to scipy

Ravikiran Rajagopal ravi.rajagopal at amd.com
Thu Jan 10 15:17:02 EST 2008

On Thursday 10 January 2008 02:08:25 pm Fernando Perez wrote:
> Asking for progressbar *inside* ipython is asking for that kind of
> 'bundle everything that could be useful' approach.
> How do you see that balance?  What's the perspective of others?  I
> have a lot more thoughts on this question, and in fact it's something
> I hope to discuss in detail at the Sage/Scipy meeting, but I'd like to
> hear other opinions.

Bundling is a headache for systems administrators in the *nix world, because 
of the packaging issues you mentioned. It is a hassle for the bundlers to 
track all bundled packages.

As a user, I have had the problem with enthon that I needed some newer 
versions of some bundled packages because they made my life much easier. So I 
bit the bullet, uninstalled enthon and installed packages separately on 
Windows and I am much happier for it. For packages like scipy that are 
targeted at people who write code for a living, usually there is usually one 
small package (say finite elements or time series analysis) that one usually 
wants to track via svn/p4/git in the user's area of expertise which becomes 
much harder with bundles.

From a user's perspective (and from a sysadmin's perspective, even if it is 
only 2 linux machines that I administer - my desktop and my laptop), bundling 
is not optimal.


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