[SciPy-dev] ANN: SfePy 2009.1

Robert Cimrman cimrman3 at ntc.zcu.cz
Mon Mar 2 09:14:00 EST 2009

I am pleased to announce the release of SfePy 2009.1.

SfePy (simple finite elements in Python) is a finite element analysis 
software based primarily on Numpy and SciPy.

Mailing lists, issue tracking, git repository: http://sfepy.org
Home page: http://sfepy.kme.zcu.cz

Major improvements:
- new solvers:
   - simple backtracking steepest descent optimization solver
   - PETSc Krylov solvers via petsc4py, sequential mode
   - LOBPCG eigenvalue solver (SciPy implementation)
- new mesh readers:
    - mesh3d (hermes3d)
    - AVS UCD ascii mesh
    - Hypermesh ascii mesh
- homogenization framework:
   - unified approach to resolve data dependencies: HomogenizationEngine 
- switched DVCS from mercurial to git

- phononic materials:
   - dispersion analysis, phase velocity computation for phononic materials
   - caching of coefficients to speed up parametric runs
- schroedinger.py:
   - fixed DFT iterations, iteration plot saving
   - basic smearing around Fermi limit

For more information on this release, see

Best regards,
Robert Cimrman

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