[SciPy-Dev] Recent changes to scipy stats

Vincent Davis vincent at vincentdavis.net
Tue Jun 1 08:59:50 EDT 2010

The diversity of perspective as to who has done what and more
importantly if it was right or ok to do seems to imply that there is
lack of clear roles/policies.  If there was it seems that we could
hope there would not be this diversity in perspectives.

Someone with more experience than me should make the rules and policies.

Moving to github would be great IMO.

Have a great day

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 2:54 AM, David Goldsmith <d.l.goldsmith at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Travis Oliphant <oliphant at enthought.com>
> wrote:
>> > IMO, the problem - in general, not just w/ any one person - is not the
>> > particulars of what's been done, but the attitude, when it's exhibited by an
>> > individual, any individual, that the rules may be disregarded when that
>> > individual, any individual, unilaterally and spontaneously decides those
>> > rules are inconvenient.  The rules are there for very good reasons;
>> > paraphrasing a recent set of statements by Robert K.:
>> What is the rule that has been broken exactly?
> Good point: I've been led to believe that there's a "rule" (aka "policy")
> against checking-in code that doesn't include passing unit tests and a
> Standard-compliant docstring, but I must concede that I can't say *where*
> (other than on the listserv) *any* rules are recorded, so if I am mistaken -
> if there is in fact no such rule/policy - I apologize, I guess we are all
> (or at least all those w/ commit privilege) free to commit as it suits our
> "style."
>> I'd really like to know what people are actually annoyed by and who
>> exactly is annoyed?
> Great, I'd like to know who *isn't* annoyed.
> DG
>> Perhaps my confidence with committing to trunk is what is fundamentally
>> the issue.  It's clear that some people prefer a different process and
>> perhaps the move to a distributed version control will help things.
>> I do feel a certain confidence with code that I have written and I like to
>> get changes into trunk quickly.   That has always been my style.    I don't
>> think I have changed in this regard.   Perhaps it is seen as brazen or
>> inconsiderate, but I don't see it that way.    I actually think it very
>> inconsiderate that I should be treated with such rudeness for contributing
>> needed functionality.
>> Sometimes rules become rules inappropriately.  Why should one development
>> process hold sway over another?  Who is right?  Well, clearly, it's just a
>> matter of the people around and what they want to see.   If the majority
>> here want to see a different process, then that's where we will go.  But, to
>> really do it, we will need to move to a distributed version control process,
>> I think --- or at least I will need to.  I will try to work on that when I
>> can find the motivation.
>> -Travis
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> Mathematician: noun, someone who disavows certainty when their uncertainty
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> lies, prevents mankind from committing a general suicide.  (As interpreted
> by Robert Graves)
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