[SciPy-Dev] scipy.io cleanup

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 16 07:23:56 EDT 2010

A long list of functions in scipy.io was deprecated in 0.7 and has to be
removed now. It's in the 'io' branch at
http://github.com/rgommers/scipy/commits/io now. In addition the recaster
module is deprecated as Matthew requested in another thread. Does someone
want to have a quick look at it?

Other question: is anything in dumb_shelve.py,  dumbdbm_patched.py and
data_store.py still useful for anyone? I think it can all be deprecated as
well, because it doesn't fit in scipy.io (it's not io for external formats,
just random stuff), is untested and, at least in the case of dumbdbm, buggy.

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