[SciPy-Dev] Tests not running for scipy.constants?

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at enthought.com
Sun May 22 21:59:01 EDT 2011

On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Christoph Gohlke <cgohlke at uci.edu> wrote:

> On 5/22/2011 5:51 PM, josef.pktd at gmail.com wrote:
> > On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 8:24 PM, Warren Weckesser
> > <warren.weckesser at enthought.com>  wrote:
> >> It appears that the tests for scipy.constants are not running.  Here's
> what
> >> I get with trunk:
> >>
> >> $ python -c "import scipy.constants; scipy.constants.test('full')"
> >> Running unit tests for scipy.constants
> >> NumPy version 1.5.1
> >> NumPy is installed in
> >>
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy
> >> SciPy version 0.10.0.dev
> >> SciPy is installed in
> >> /Users/warren/local_tmp/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy
> >> Python version 2.7.1 |EPD 7.0-1 (32-bit)| (r271:86832, Dec  3 2010,
> >> 15:41:32) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5488)]
> >> nose version 1.0.0
> >>
> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> Ran 0 tests in 0.000s
> >>
> >> OK
> >>
> >> I get the same with 0.9.0rc2, so the problem may have been around for
> >> awhile.
> >>
> >> The tests for other packages run as expected, and if I run nosetests in
> the
> >> constants/tests directory, the test run:
> >>
> >> $ nosetests
> >> ..............
> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> Ran 14 tests in 0.451s
> >>
> >> OK
> >>
> >>
> >> Does anyone else see this?
> >
> > Same here with 0.9, but I have no idea what might be going on, looks
> > the same as other subpackages. (Is "constants" are reserved word
> > somewhere?)
> >
> > Josef
> >
> >>
> >> Warren
> >>
> >>
> On my system the scipy\constants\tests directory is not installed. Seems
> there is a `config.add_data_dir('tests')` missing in
> scipy\constants\setup.py.

Yes, that's the problem.  Apparently config.add_subpackage('*') is not
working as expected.  All the other packages use
config.add_data_dir('tests') to include the tests.  I'll push the fix


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