[SciPy-Dev] Question about subpackage/submodule API

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Mon May 23 15:18:58 EDT 2011

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 6:17 AM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at googlemail.com>wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Ralf Gommers
> <ralf.gommers at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Warren Weckesser
> > <warren.weckesser at enthought.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Ralf Gommers <
> ralf.gommers at googlemail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 5:05 AM, Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> One wild idea to make this clearer could be to prefix all internal
> sub-
> >>>> package names with the usual '_'. In the long run, it probably
> wouldn't
> >>>> be as bad as it initially sounds like.
> >>>>
> >>> This is not a wild idea at all, I think it should be done. I considered
> >>> all modules without '_' prefix public API.
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> Agreed (despite what I said in my initial post).
> >>
> >> To actually do this, we'll need to check which packages have modules
> that
> >> should be private.  These can be renamed in 0.10 to have an underscore,
> and
> >> new public versions created that contain a deprecation warning and that
> >> import everything from the private version.   The deprecated public
> modules
> >> can be removed in 0.11.
> >>
> >> Some modules will require almost no changes.  For example, scipy.cluster
> >> *only* exposes two modules, vq and hierarchy, so no changes are needed.
> >> (Well, there is also the module info.py that all packages have.  That
> should
> >> become _info.py--there's no need for that to be public, is there?)
> >
> > Agreed, rename to _info.py
> This can't actually be done very easily, because the info.py name is
> hardcoded in PackageLoader in numpy._import_tools.py. So if desired,
> it first has to be done in numpy.
> >> Other packages will probably require some discussion about what modules
> should be
> >> public.
> >>
> >> Consider the above a proposed change for 0.10 and 0.11--what do you
> think?
> >>
> > Sounds good. Attached is a file that goes through scipy sub-packages
> > and checks their __all__ for modules. Those are public by definition
> > (but this doesn't give you the whole API). It's pretty messy, for
> > example:
> >
> > signal
> > ======
> > bsplines
> > filter_design
> > fir_filter_design
> > integrate
> > interpolate
> > linalg
> > ltisys
> > np
> > numpy
> > optimize
> > scipy
> > signaltools
> > sigtools
> > special
> > spline
> > types
> > warnings
> > waveforms
> > wavelets
> > windows
> >
> > That should be cleaned up. Then there are also public modules that
> > don't show up of course (for example odr.models).
> >
> > How about doing the following? :
> > 1. Start a doc, perhaps on the wiki, with a full list of public modules.
> > 2. Put that doc at the beginning of the reference guide, as well as
> > the relevant part in the docstring for each sub-package.
> > 3. Clean up existing __all__, and add __all__ to sub-packages that
> > don't have them yet.
> > 4. Rename private modules, with suitable deprecation warning.
> I've done the uncontroversial part (3):
> https://github.com/rgommers/scipy/tree/refactor-private-modules
> This cleans up the sub-package namespaces quite a bit, which will also
> make for example tab-completion in IPython easier to use. For example,
> sp.signal.<TAB> gives now 147 results instead of 262.

After Warren reviewed it (thanks!), I've just pushed this branch. If anyone
noticed any functions that look like they've gone missing then that's
probably my fault. Easy to fix anyway and should get test coverage up.

> There is one thing I wasn't sure about: should
> arccos/arccosh/arcsinh/... stay exposed in the scipy.special
> namespace, even though they are numpy functions?

I left these out of the scipy.special namespace, they're numpy functions
after all. If anyone thinks this needs a deprecation let me know.

The next step is to actually add underscores to non-public modules, I'll
probably start on that after next week.


> Here is a complete list of modules that I think are part (or should be
> part) of the public API. I added modules because they are documented
> as being public in docs, or contain useful functions/objects that are
> not exposed one level up, or because the sub-package namespace is very
> large and could benefit from a subdivision.
> cluster
> =======
> vq
> hierarchy
> constants
> =========
> fftpack
> =======
> integrate
> =========
> vode
> interpolate
> ===========
> dfitpack
> io
> ==
> arff
> idl
> matlab
> mmio
> netcdf
> wavfile
> linalg
> ======
> calc_lwork
> cblas
> clapack
> fblas
> flapack
> flinalg
> lapack
> special_matrices
> maxentropy
> ==========
> <deprecate this module>
> misc
> ====
> doccer
> pilutil
> ndimage
> =======
> filters
> fourier
> interpolation
> io
> measurements
> morphology
> odr
> ===
> models
> odrpack
> optimize
> ========
> signal
> ======
> bsplines
> filter_design
> fir_filter_design
> ltisys
> spectral
> spline
> waveforms
> wavelets
> windows
> sparse
> ======
> sparse.linalg
> =============
> umfpack
> spatial
> =======
> distance
> special
> =======
> stats
> =====
> distributions
> mstats
> <add more after refactoring, Josef wants to break up module. I agree
> it's too large and slow to import.>
> weave
> =====
> <didn't look at weave yet>
> Cheers,
> Ralf
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