[SciPy-Dev] GSoC '15

rahul .poruri rahul.poruri at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 07:34:21 EDT 2015

Hey, I'm Rahul and I'm interested in working on implementing numerical
differentiation and improving interpolation. I have done a course in
computational physics and am doing a course on numerical methods in
programming, through which I've grown comfortable working with numerical
derivatives and interpolation (polynomial and spline).

I am currently going through numdifftools but I would like to point out
that I am getting a 404 while trying to access numdiff.py from statsmodels.
Is this
what was being referred to in the issue? And given that numdifftools goes
well and beyond simply estimating the various derivatives of a function,
which part of it would you like me to implement as a PR?

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