[SciPy-Dev] scipy.stats improvements

Abraham Escalante aeklant at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 00:38:26 EDT 2015

Hi Ralf, thanks for all the feedback.

I have made some changes. You can find the second draft here:

I reckon that when it comes to the StatisticsCleanup issues, the schedule
may change considering their varying scopes. However, I need to get the
ball rolling with the community feedback since most of the issues don't
have any. I also need to do my own work getting to know the functions more
closely, which is the next step in my plan. Do you have any other

I provide an overview of the changes to the draft here for your convenience:

> About the abstract and deliverables: I would state the overall goal as
> "enhancement and addressing maintenance issues"

It did sound like more of a documentation project than a coding effort. I
made a few changes and I hope it sounds more accurate now.

> - the change to _chk_asarray gets too much attention I think, it's not
> that big a deal (and effort will also be minor on the overall scale of
> things).

I have removed some of the focus to it. It is also listed in the "community
bonding" period because its purpose is to help me with the learning curve.

> - you reserve separate time for PEP8 compliance, this should actually be
> done at the moment you write any code. The TravisCI tests for Scipy will
> check PEP8 automatically, so you can't even do it separately.

I've kept it as a deliverable because it is obviously required, but I
removed it from the housekeeping buffer weeks.

> - API changes for trimmed statistics functions will take longer than other
> issues in StatisticsReview.

I moved the task to week 5. I also added a task at the "community bonding
period" (although in reality this should start earlier and go along my
learning curve) to make sure all the issues are defined in scope before the
coding begins.

- ppcc_plot is already done in PR 4563, so doesn't need to be in your plan

Removed it and made a note at the deliverables section.

> - making stats.mstats consistent with stats is also a larger job. I would
> put it towards the end of your plan.

I moved this to the very end while keeping the last week as a buffer just
in case this or any other tasks need some more work.

The other thing I recommend is to look at each function in your proposal,
> and assess whether it just needs a few tweaks or a lot of work.

Agreed. This is basically what the scope definition task is meant to do and
although it is listed to start at "community bonding" I plan to start right

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