[SciPy-Dev] Tensors

Amine Ilidrissi ilidrissiamine at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 17:08:57 EDT 2015

Hi there,

Very interesting article, thank you! I actually might be interested in
implementing this.
It turns out I'm also looking to apply for GSoC '15, and since I'm a bit
familiar with tensors, I'm thinking of turning this into a project
application. Is there anyone willing to discuss this with me, so we could
at least narrow the initial implementation scope?


On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 2:07 AM, Robert Lucente - Pipeline <
rlucente at pipeline.com> wrote:

> You guys are probably aware of the following article but just in case
> Let's build open source tensor libraries for data science - Tensor methods
> for machine learning are fast, accurate, and scalable, but we'll need
> well-developed libraries by Ben Lorica
> http://radar.oreilly.com/2015/03/lets-build-open-source-tensor-libraries-for
> -data-science.html
> Maybe this type of thing is inappropriate for this mailing list?
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*Amine Ilidrissi*
*Elève-ingénieur Civil des Mines de Nancy - Engineering student at Mines
*Département Information & Systèmes - Computer Engineering*
*TEDxMinesNancy - Enactus Mines Nancy*
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