[SciPy-Dev] About Application for GSoC

Fukumu Tsutsumi levelfourslv at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 11:29:46 EDT 2015

Thanks, Abraham!

I almost wrote up my proposal, but I haven't made any patch.
In the rest 3 hours, I'll do my best to make out something.

Here's my proposal. ->
I'll post this draft to melange system soon.
I would appreciate if anyone give me advice.


Fukumu Tsutsumi

2015-03-27 1:41 GMT+09:00 Abraham Escalante <aeklant at gmail.com>:

> Hello!
> Just like you, I am a student who just joined the SciPy community and
> applying for the GSoC. You should start by checking the project ideas (if
> you haven't already) here:
> https://github.com/scipy/scipy/wiki/GSoC-project-ideas
> If you find something interesting there or you have your own idea, I
> suggest that you:
>    1. Start working on your draft and you upload it right away so that
>    your project can be elegible (if you wait until the deadline and the
>    melange system fails due to overload or any other reason you won't be
>    allowed to participate).
>    2. Post a link to your draft to this mailing list so you can have
>    feedback by knowledgeable members who are interested and can tell you
>    whether your idea is realistic and also, if the community is interested in
>    your idea.
>    3. Edit your uploaded draft to reflect the community suggestions (you
>    can make changes until the deadline so if you can't upload your changes you
>    will still have your draft).
>    4. Just try to be active in the community, they will generally provide
>    very good feedback and point you in the right direction.
> You may find these links useful too:
> https://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/ApplicationTemplate2015
> https://github.com/scipy/scipy/wiki/GSoC-2014-:-Discrete-Wavelet-Transform-proposal-draft
> As a fellow student I wish you luck and I welcome you to the community.
> Regards,
> Abraham Escalante.
> 2015-03-26 9:16 GMT-06:00 Fukumu Tsutsumi <levelfourslv at gmail.com>:
>> Hello, my name is Fukumu Tsutsumi. I'm a student at the University of
>> Tokyo, Japan.
>> I'm planning to apply for GSoC with one of SciPy projects, but I deeply
>> regret that I did not notice the deadline is so close (only about a day).
>> I wonder if I can meet the deadline. I'm very eager to participate in
>> GSoC, so wouldn't like to give up this opportunity.
>> I would appreciate if anyone reply for me.
>> Sincerely,
>> Fukumu Tsutsumi
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Fukumu Tsutsumi / Bao Han
Dept. of Information Science / School of Science / The University of Tokyo

Email(private): levelfourslv at gmail.com
Email(univ.): 7792294484 at mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Tel. (domestic): 080-8232-6278
Tel. (international): +81-80-8232-6278
URL: http://levelfour.github.io/
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