[SciPy-Dev] Docker images for cross compilation [was: win32 binaries and scipy 0.17.0 release]

Tony Kelman tony at kelman.net
Sun Feb 14 09:28:32 EST 2016

Matthew Brett <matthew.brett <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > I could work through an example of this, maybe pick a Linux
> > distribution to build from and a library to build and we could
> > put together a Docker container that would have all the steps to
> > produce a Windows DLL.
> That docker container would be extremely useful - what can I do to help?

I was working on getting LLVM to cross-compile with cmake recently
and threw together a couple of dockerfiles to start with at

LLVM is kind of a monster and unless you're working on Numba maybe not
so relevant for you, but we can adjust these to other host distro and
library combinations. Once mingwpy is ready I imagine we could make
a project on the opensuse build service really easily that includes
Carl's patches so you would just have to do the zypper equivalent
of add-apt-repository in the not-yet-written Dockerfile.opensuse
to get a cross-compiler version of mingwpy. I guess koji or launchpad
could also work but I've used the opensuse build service before and
it's pretty easy.

I'd be happy to meet up somewhere around Berkeley and hack on this for
an afternoon if we can find a time that works for multiple people.


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