[SciPy-Dev] Moving SciPy project organization forward

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 10:13:45 EDT 2016

> Maybe we should also consider setting up some communication channels
>> with higher bandwidth --- handouts or conference calls. Yes, time
>> zones is a problem. And yes, the conference call last year went into
>> more tangents than it could have. But maybe if we manage to make these
>> conference calls somewhat more regular, we'd be able to have more
>> manageable agendas for each of them.
> Yes, that could work. If we have a clear agenda and don't have to discuss
> changing the world each time, it may be productive. What were you thinking,
> like once every 6-8 weeks or so?

That sounds like a reasonable timing estimate, as it gets us a few meetings
in between releases without adding too much burden (for me at least).

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