[SciPy-Dev] Scipy Windows wheels

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu Aug 24 20:08:57 EDT 2017

to, 2017-08-24 kello 16:58 -0700, Nathaniel Smith kirjoitti:
> IIUC the only reason Gohlke's scipy builds require a specific numpy
> is
> that they use a tricky hack where they assume the numpy package has
> installed MKL at a specific location. I don't think these builds use
> any hack like this and should work with any numpy. (This makes the
> download size larger b/c it means scipy has to carry its own copy of
> BLAS, but the trade-off in "just works" is worth it IMO.)
> Also, numpy itself doesn't provide any Fortran APIs, so Fortran ABI
> shouldn't matter at all.

These wheels lug their own Openblas and gfortran libs with them, so in
theory at least they should only care about the correct Numpy version,
and the correct Python CRT.


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